- a'Balaman, Rhys
- A mercenary captain from Murandy. In the employ of Elayne Trakand in 1000 NE before turning coat to support Lady Arymilla. Under a death warrant in Andor.
- Abar
- A fireater and sword-swallower performing with Valan Luca's traveling show in 1000 NE. From Arad Doman. Brother of Balat.
- Abareim, Ellid
- An Accepted in the White Tower in 978 NE. Intent on joining the Green Ajah. Died on Taisham 2nd, 979 NE during her test for the shawl.
- Ablar, Logain
- Ghealdan noble. Declared himself the Dragon in 997 NE. Lost his title and estates following his declaration. Captured and gentled in 998 NE. Channeling ability accidentally restored in 999 NE. Affiliated with the Black Tower.
- Accan, Jurad
- A subject of Lord Luan in 1000 NE.
- a'Conlin, Meri do Ahlan
- A Murandian lady in 987 NE. Mother of Sedrin. A direct descendent of Queen Katrine do Catalan a'Coralle.
- a'Coralle, Katrine do Catalan
- The first Queen of Murandy.
- Adamad
- Farmhand working for Renald Fanwar in Shienar in 1000 NE.
- Adan, Heran
- Governor of Baerlon.
- Adan
- A Da'shain Aiel. Son of Jonai and Alnora. Ten when the Da'shain left Paaren Disen. Husband of Siedre. Father of Rhea, Elwin, Sorelle, Jaren and Marind. Greatfather of Maigran and Lewin.
- Adarra, Jaim
- Captain of the sailing vessel Snow Goose.
- Adden
- A Cairhien brigand?
- Adela
- Employed by horse tradee Toke Fearnim in Jurador in 1000 NE.
- Adeleas
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Sister to Vandene Namelle. Murdered at Cullen's Crossing in 1000 NE by Careane Fransi, a member of the Black Ajah.
- Adelin
- An Aiel of the Jindo sept of the Taardad Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear.
- Adine
- An Aes Sedai in 1000 NE.
- Adley, Jonan
- An Asha'man. Inadvertantly killed by Rand al'Thor in 1000 NE.
- Admar
- A soldier in the Band of the Red Hand in 1000 NE.
- Admira
- A patron of The Golden Wheel in Far Madding in 1000 NE.
- Adria
- A contortionist with Valan Luca's traveling show in 1000 NE. Romantically involved with Rumann.
- Adrielle
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Bonded to Asha'man Mezar Kurin in 1000 NE.
- Adrin
- A Saldaen soldier. Killed in 1000 NE.
- Adsalan
- A Warder in 1000 NE.
- Aedomon
- A character in the song "Midean's Ford." Leader of the Saferi who attacked Manetheren.
- Aeldra
- A resident of Tanchico?
- Aeldra
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in 978 NE.
- Aeldrine
- Daughter of Collaris. Mother of Benon Marinye.
- Aellinsar, Tel Janin
- Aes Sedai and sportsman. A well-respected general in the armies of Lews Therin. Later known as the Forsaken Sammael.
- Aelmara
- Maid to Aes Sedai Romanda Cassin in 1000 NE.
- Aemin
- A farrier travelling with Lord Perrin's forces in 1000 NE.
- Aemlyn
- An Andoran lady.
- Aemon al Caar al Thorin
- Last king of Manetheren. Husband to Queen Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan. Killed (at Emond's Field) during Trolloc attack on Manetheren.
- Aerin
- An Aiel of the Black Water sept of the Nakai Aiel. A Wise One.
- Aeron
- An Aiel. A Wise One.
- Aerwin, Teven
- Author of The Dance of the Hawk and Hummingbird.
- Aethelaine
- A lady from Jurador in 1000 NE.
- Afara
- An Aes Sedai.
- Aghan
- A soldier serving under Davram Bashere in 1000 NE.
- Aginor
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Ishar Morrad Chuain. Responsible for the creation of Trollocs, Draghkar, Gholam and the jumara. Killed by Rand al'Thor near the Eye of the World in 998 NE. Reincarnated in late 999 NE and given the new name of Osan'gar.
- Agirin
- An Aiel of the Shelan Daryne Sept. Killed on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE at the Battle of Dumai's Wells.
- Ahan, Kenley
- A resident of Emond's Field. Born in 979 NE. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Ahan, Marisa
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- Ahzkan, Tamud
- A Saldaean lieutenant under the command of Davram Bashere. Killed during a Trolloc attack on the manor house of Lord Algarin in Tear in 1000 NE.
- Aiden
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in 1000 NE. An Atha'an Miere.
- Aiko
- A serving woman in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor in 979 NE.
- Ailron
- King of Amadacia in 999 NE. Guardian of the Southern Gate. Captured and beheaded by the Seanchan in 1000 NE following the Battle of Jeramel (Ailron's Disaster).
- Ajala, Dermid
- A blacksmith in Tear.
- Ajimbura
- A member of the Kaensada hill tribe. Servant of Banner-General Furyk Karede in 1000 NE (since approximately 981 NE).
- Akarrin
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in 978 NE.
- Akashi, Lelaine
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in 978 NE. A Sitter for the Blue Ajah in the Salidar Tower. Bonded to Burin Shaerin.
- Akima, Chin
- Proprietor of a traveling menagerie. Killed in 999 NE near Samara.
- al'Azar, Kevrim
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Azar, Milla
- The Wisdom of Taren Ferry.
- al'Carr, Adan
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- al'Caar, Jerilin
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Carr, Nela
- A resident of Emond's Field. Wife to Paet.
- al'Caar, Paet
- A resident of Emond's Field. Farmer. Husband to Nela.
- al'Caar, Tod
- Born in 977 NE. A resident of Emond's Field.
- al'Dai, Bili
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Son of Hu al'Dai. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- al'Dai, Hu
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Father of Bili.
- al'Dai, Lem
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Dai, Rad
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Donel, Mistress
- Resident of Emond's Field.
- al'Landerin, Eleyan
- An ancient Aes Sedai. A statue of her and her Warders is located in the southwestern area of Tar Valon.
- al'Lora, Had
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Meara, Elnore
- Resident of Emond’s Field. Mother of Nynaeve. Died sometime before 987 NE.
- al'Meara, Nynaeve
- Daughter of Elnore al'Meara. Originally Wisdom of Emond's Field. Raised to Aes Sedai in 999 NE. A member of the Yellow Ajah. Married al'Lan Mandragoran on Taisham 18th, 1000 NE.
- al'Seen, Astelle
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Seen, Ban
- Son of Jac and Elisa al'Seen. Cousin of Wil al'Seen and Dannil Lewin.
- al'Seen, Elisa
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Wife of Jac al'Seen. Mother of Ban al'Seen.
- al'Seen, Jac
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Husband of Elisa al'Seen. Father of Ban al'Seen.
- al'Seen, Saml
- An Asha'man in 1000 NE.
- al'Seen, Susa
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- al'Seen, Wil
- A resident of Devon's Ride. A cousin of Perrin Aybara. A cousin of Ban al'Seen.
- al'Taron, Dael
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- al'Thor, Rand
- Born in 978 NE on the slopes of Dragonmount. Son of Shaiel and Janduin. Adopted son of Tam and Kari al'Thor. The Dragon Reborn. Known as the Car'a'carn to the Aiel. According to the Jendai Prophecy, known as the Coramoor to the Atha'an Miere. Bonded as Warder to Alanna Mosvanni against his will. Also bonded to Min Farshaw, Elayne Trakand and Aviendha in 1000 NE. Lost his left hand to Semirhage in 1000 NE.
- al'Thor, Kari
- Foster mother of Rand al'Thor. Died in 983 NE.
- al'Thor, Tamlin (Tam)
- Husband to Kari al'Thor. Foster father of Rand al'Thor.
- al'Van, Alwyn
- Cobbler in Emond's Field.
- al’Vere, Alene
- Daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. Sister of Egwene, Elisa, Loise and Berowyn.
- al’Vere, Berowyn
- Eldest daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. Sister of Alene, Egwene, Elisa and Loise. Widowed in 989 NE.
- al’Vere, Brandelwyn
- Husband of Marin al’Vere. Father of Alene, Egwene, Elisa, Loise and Berowyn. Mayor of Emond’s Field and Innkeeper of The Winespring Inn.
- al’Vere, Elisa
- Born in 972 NE. Daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. Sister of Alene, Berowyn, Egwene and Loise.
- al’Vere, Egwene
- Born in 981 NE. Daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. Sister of Alene, Berowyn, Elisa and Loise. Raised to the Amyrlin Seat of the Salidar rebels in 999 NE.
- al’Vere, Loise
- Born in 975 NE. Daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. Sister of Alene, Egwene, Elisa and Berowyn.
- al’Vere, Marin
- Wife of Brandelwyn al’Vere. Mother of Alene, Egwene, Elisa, Loise and Berowyn.
- a'Roihan, Elaida do Avriny
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah since 973 NE. Advisor to Queen Morgase from 975 NE to 998 NE. Becomes Amyrlin Seat in 999 NE. Captured and leashed by the Seanchan in 1000 NE. Named Suffa by her sul'dam.
- Ala
- An Ogier.
- Alaina
- A silversmith from Amadacia. Made gai'shain by the Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE.
- Alar
- Ogier, eldest of Stedding Tsofu. Mother of Erith.
- Alarys
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One.
- Aldan
- A captain in Gareth Bryne's army in 1000 NE.
- Aldiaya, Nalesean
- A member of the Band of the Red Hand and commander of one of its mounted units. Killed by a Gholam on Taisham 19th, 1000 NE in the Rahad.
- Aldin
- An Amadacian bookkeeper. Captured by the Shaido Aiel and made gai'shain in 1000 NE.
- Aldorwin, Lacile
- A member of the Falcon's Talon (Cha Faile). Captured by Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE. From Cairhien.
- Aldragoran, Alida
- Saldaean wife of Weilin.
- Aldragoran, Weilin
- Husband to Alida. A gem trader in Saldaea 1000 NE. Originally from Malkier.
- Aledrin
- An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Aleshin
- A Ghealdan lord.
- Alesinde
- Queen of Andor from FY 1020 to 1035. Daughter of Queen Ishara.
- Alfara
- Innkeeper of the Bellon Ford Inn.
- Algoran, Marande
- An Amadacian lady. Sister of the High Seat of House Algoran.
- Algwyn
- The last man to hold the Crystal Throne in Seanchan in the beginning of the New Era.
- Alhandrin
- A member of the Band of the Red Hand.
- Alharra, Furen
- One of Seonid Traighan's two Warders in 1000 NE. From Tear.
- Alis
- A serving woman in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Alivia
- A Seanchan woman made damane circa 600 NE. Captured by the forces of The Dragon Reborn in 1000 NE. Disappeared in 1000 NE from the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, Andor.
- Alkaese, Zarya
- Born circa 910 NE. A novice in the White Tower who ran away circa 930 NE. Later a merchant and Kinswoman in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE using the name Garenia Rosoinde. Made a novice again in 1000 NE after her identity was revealed.
- Alkohima, Tamore
- A highly-respected seamstress in Tar Valon in 978 NE.
- Almadar, Alsalam Saeed
- King of Arad Doman in 999 NE. High Seat of House Almadar. Brother of Ramsid. (King for over twenty years in 1000 NE). Supposedly kept in hiding by the Council of Merchants in 1000 NE.
- Alnora
- A Da'shain Aiel. Wife of Jonai. Mother of Willim, Adan and Esole.
- Alric
- Warder to Siuan Sanche. Killed in 999 NE by Aes Sedai under the command of Elaida.
- Alsahhan, Sorelana
- Presumably Aes Sedai during the Trolloc Wars. Researched Darkhounds.
- Alshinn, Ellaine Marise'idin
- Chief librarian at the Court of Arafel in 231 NE.
- Alievin, Doniella
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 306 NE to 332 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.
- Alijha
- A Da'shain Aiel. Son of Nerrine. Brother of Charlin and Colline. One of the first four Aiel to abandon the Way of the Leaf.
- Allwine, Rulan
- Innkeeper in Market Sheran.
- Alman, Dumera
- One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
- Almindhra
- First Counselor of Tova circa FY 943.
- Alruddin, Katerine
- An Accepted in the White Tower in 978 NE. Raised to the shawl in 982 NE. A member of the Red Ajah. A Darkfriend since 987 NE. Appointed the Mistress of Novices in 1000 NE.
- Alsbet
- Literary character. The Queen of All, who fought the giant Mosk.
- Alsera
- An Aiel.
- Alstaing
- A Taraboner merchant in Maderin in 1000 NE.
- Altalin
- An Amadacian lady.
- Alteima
- A Tairen lady. Wife of High Lord Tedosian.
- Aludra
- Former Mistress of the Illuminator Chapter House in Cairhien. A performer in Valan Luca's traveling menagerie. Originally from Tarabon.
- Alvistere
- A Cairhienen novice in the White Tower in 1000 NE.
- Alvon
- A gai'shain of the Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE. Father of Theril. A woodcutter.
- Alwhin
- A Seanchan so'jhin and sul'dam serving High Lady Suroth. Murdered by Liandin in 1000 NE.
- Alys
- Name often used by Moiraine Damodred as a disguise.
- Alyse
- Named used by Galina Casban.
- Amaena
- Name used by Leane while traveling through Andor in 999 NE.
- Amalasan, Guaire
- Proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn in FY 939. Captured and gentled in FY 943.
- Amalisa
- Sister to Lord Agelmar.
- Amar
- An Ogier.
- Amaresu
- A hero bound to the Horn of Valere. Wielder of the Sword of the Sun.
- Amaryn
- An Aiel. Greatdaughter of Sorilea.
- Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounalt
- A Taraboner lady. Romantically involved with King Andric. Appointed as Panarch in 999 NE. Captured by the Seanchan and forced to serve High Lady Suroth. Freed in 999 NE and romantically involved with Juilin Sandar. Also known as Thera, the name given to her by the Seanchan.
- Ambrey, Merana
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Amel
- An Atha'an Miere. Husband to Zaida din Parede Blackwing in 1000 NE.
- Amerano, Saraline
- One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
- Amhara, Savion
- A former First Counsel in Far Madding. Immortalized by a statue in Amhara Market.
- Amira (1)
- Daughter of Artur Hawkwing and Amaline Paendrag Tagora. Sister to Modair and two other siblings. Poisoned in FY 961.
- Amira (2)
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Appointed as the Mistress of Novices of the White Tower by Sierin Vayu in Taisham, 979 NE.
- Amylia
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Amys
- An Aiel Wise One of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Wife to Rhuarc. Sister-wife to Lian and sister-mother to Aviendha. A dreamwalker. Formerly a Maiden of the Spear.
- Anan, Elynde
- Daughter of Jasfer and Setalle Anan. Sister of Marah, Frielle and Ross.
- Anan, Frielle
- The middle daughter of Jasfer and Setalle Anan. Sister of Elynde, Marah and Ross. Engaged to be married in 1000 NE.
- Anan, Jasfer
- Husband of Setalle Anan. Father of Elynde, Marah, Frielle and Ross. Boat captain/owner and member of the Ancient an Honorable League of the Nets in Ebou Dar.
- Anan, Marah
- Daughter of Jasfer and Setalle Anan. Sister of Elynde, Frielle and Ross.
- Anan, Ross
- Son of Jasfer and Setalle Anan. Brother of Elynde, Frielle and Marah.
- Anan, Setalle
- Wife of Jasfer Anan. Mother of Elynde, Frielle, Marah and Ross. Innkeeper of The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar in 999 NE. Escaped Seanchan-occupied Ebou Dar in 1000 NE with Mat Cauthon.
- Anderly, Sashalle
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah in 1000 NE. Stilled at Dumai's Wells, but later Healed by Damer Flinn. Sworn fealty to Rand al'Thor.
- Andhilin
- An Aiel Maiden of the Spear from the Red Salt sept of clan Goshien. Killed sometime in or prior to 1000 NE.
- Andscale
- A banker in Caemlyn in 1000 NE.
- Andro
- Warder of Meilyn Arganya in 978 NE.
- Anemara
- An Accepted in the White Tower in 1000 NE.
- Anhill, Clarine
- Dog trainer in Valan Luca's traveling menagerie. Wife of Petra.
- Anhill, Petra
- A strongman in Valan Luca's traveling menagerie. Husband of Clarine.
- Ankaer
- A Domoni lord. Dragonsworn. An officer serving under Rodel Ituralde in 1000 NE.
- Antol
- Son of Prince Consort Brys and Queen Ethenielle of Kandor. Brother to Diryk, Jarene and four other siblings.
- Anaiya
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Killed in 1000 NE by Halima.
- Anan, Setalle
- Innkeeper of The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Anandra
- An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah.
- Anarina
- A queen of Altara sometime after The War of the Hundred Years. A member of House Todande.
- Andaya
- A performer in Valan Luca's traveling menagerie in 999 NE.
- Andomeran, Rianna
- An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. Formerly of the White Ajah.
- Andra
- Name used by Lan in Baerlon.
- Andric
- King of Tarabon. Romantically involved with Lady Amathera.
- Andril
- Kitchen worker in the Sun Palace in Cairhien in 1000 NE.
- Andris
- A messenger used by Sammael. Died in 999 NE.
- Anford
- A clerk in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn in 1000 NE.
- Anghar
- A Seanchan soldier in 1000 NE.
- Anghara
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai.
- Anhara, Ryn
- An inventor in Cairhien in 1000 NE. Interested in lightning.
- Anjen
- Warder of Leanne Sharif. Died in 984 NE.
- Ankerin, Carlys
- An Andoran noble in 1000 NE. Uses the sigil of paired White Leopards.
- Anla
- Character in the story A Thousand Tales of Anla. Known as the Wise Counselor, possibly to Queen Elsbet.
- Anlee
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in 978 NE.
- Annallin, Dalthanes
- A Cairhien lord in 1000 NE. Known to oppose Rand al'Thor.
- Annariz, Fionnda
- A Cairhien lady in 1000 NE.
- Annharid
- An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Anselan
- Warder to Aes Sedai Barashelle during the Trolloc Wars. A character in the book The Flame, the Blade and the Heart.
- Anshar, Karind
- An Andoran lady. Thrice a widow. High Seat of House Karind in 1000 NE.
- Anshar, Lir
- An Andoran lord. High Seat of House Anshar.
- Anya
- A serving woman in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor in 979 NE.
- Ara
- Employee of the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
- Arabah, Gueye
- A Seanchan lieutenant in 1000 NE.
- Aracome
- A Tairen High Lord. Known to plot against Rand al'Thor. Killed in 1000 NE during an attack on the Seanchan.
- Aram
- Tuathan'an befriended by Egwene. Grandson of Raen. Abandoned the Way of the Leaf. Killed by Shaido Aiel near Malden in 1000 NE.
- Aran
- Born circa 50 AB. Son of Malan, son of Senar. Author of a manuscript concerning Ishamael's appearances.
- Aran'gar
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Balthamel until his death in 998 NE. Reincarnated in late 999 NE and placed in the body of a woman.
- Arandaille, Balladare
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 115 NE to 142 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah. Involved in the Kavarthen Wars.
- Arawn, Naean
- An Andoran lady. Imprisoned in 1000 NE, but later rescued by House Marne.
- Arebis
- An Aes Sedai in 1000 NE.
- Arella
- A member of the Falcon's Talon (Cha Faile). Captured by Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE. From Tear.
- Arene, Amellia
- Wife of merchant Jorin Arene. A Darkfriend.
- Arene, Jorin
- A merchant from Amador, Amadacia. A Darkfriend.
- Arganda, Gerard
- The First Captain of Queen Alliandre's bodyguard in 1000 NE.
- Arganya, Meilyn
- An Aes Sedai. One of those chosen in 978 NE to search for the Dragon Reborn.
- Arinvar
- Warder to Sheriam Bayanar in 1000 NE. From Cairhien.
- Arilyn
- A Cairhien lady.
- Arjuna, Cieryl
- Warder to Careane Fransi in 1000 NE.
- Arlene
- Maid to Lady Arymilla Marne in 1000 NE.
- Armaghn, Dawlin
- An Andoran noble in 1000 NE. Uses the sigil of the Oak and Axe.
- Arman, Chilares
- A member of the Kin in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE. A rug seller.
- Arnault, Laigin
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Killed at Dumai's Wells on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE.
- Arnin
- Brother of Nad. Resident of Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Arnon, Rahema
- A merchant in So Habor in 1000 NE.
- Arovni, Racelle
- Romantic interest of Bukama. Innkeeper of The Blue Rose in Canluum, Kandor.
- Arrata
- A Seanchan soldier in 1000 NE.
- Arrel, Edeyn ti Gemallen
- Malkieri lady, the carneira of Lan Mandragoran in 968 NE. Mother of Iselle.
- Arrel, Iselle
- Born in 962 NE. Daughter of Lady Edeyn Arrel. Killed in 979 NE by Merean Redhill of the Black Ajah.
- Artein, Catlynde
- One of twelve Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
- Arwin
- A member of the Younglings.
- Aryman, Deane
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from circa FY 992 to circa FY 1084. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
- Asegora, Melanril
- A Tairen lord. Killed by Aiel in 999 NE.
- Ashelin
- A novice in the White Tower in 1000 NE.
- Asher
- A wilder staying at the Gates of Heaven in Canluum, Kandor in 979 NE.
- Ashin
- Servant in the employ of Lord Barthanes in Cairhien.
- Ashmanaille
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Asmodean
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Joar Addam Nessosin.
- Asnobar, Saerin
- An Altaran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. A Sitter of the Hall in 1000 NE. Appointed to the Hall in 960 NE.
- Asra
- A resident of Ebou Dar and a member of the Kin in 1000 NE.
- Asseil
- A Taraboner Accepted in the White Tower in 1000 NE.
- Astara
- Queen of Andor from FY 1073 to 1085.
- Astrelle
- An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Asunawa, Rhadam
- The High Inquisitor of the Hand of Light of the Children of the Light in 1000 NE.
- Atal
- A Seanchan clerk in 1000 NE.
- Aurana
- Daugher of Empress Radhanan. Bor in 986 NE. Sister to High Lady Tuon. Murdered by Semirhage in 1000 NE.
- Avharin, Einion
- A well-respected resident of Far Madding immortialized by a statue in Avharin Market.
- Avarhin, Shiaine
- Named used by Darkfriend Mili Skane in 1000 NE.
- Avarhin, Willim
- A lord killed by Mili Skane so that she could assume the identity of a family member.
- Avharin a'Roos, Segan do
- A Murandian lady in 1000 NE.
- Aviellin
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear in 1000 NE.
- Avin
- Gatekeeper in Baerlon.
- Avin, Rhea
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Aviendha
- An Aiel of the Bitter Water sept of the Tardaad Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear. Sister of Niella. Second-sister of Dailin. Made First-Sister of Elayne Trakand in 1000 NE. Bonded to Rand in 1000 NE.
- ay Marena, Sorelle
- Queen of Manetheren circa 209 AB.
- Aybara, Adora
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Daughter of Con and Joslyn. Sister of Deselle, Perrin and Paetram. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aybara, Carlin
- A Resident of The Two Rivers. Husband of Neain. Deceased.
- Aybara, Con
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Husband of Joslyn. Father of Perrin, Paetram, Deselle and Adora. Killed in 999 NE by Padan Fain.
- Aybara, Deselle
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Daughter of Con and Joslyn. Sister of Perrin, Paetram and Adora. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aybara, Eward
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Husband of Magde. Brother of Con Aybara. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- t'Aybara, Faile ni Bashere
- Born as Zarine Bashere. Daughter of Davram and Deira Bashere. A Hunter of the Horn. Wife of Lord Perrin t'Bashere Aybara. Captured by Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE.
- Aybara, Jaim
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Cousin of Perrin Aybara.
- Aybara, Joslyn
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Wife of Con. Mother of Perrin, Paetram, Deselle and Adora. Killed in 999 NE by Padan Fain.
- Aybara, Magde
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Wife of Eward. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aybara, Neain
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Wife of Carlin. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aybara, Paetram (Paet)
- Resident of The Two Rivers. Son of Con and Joslyn. Brother of Perrin, Deselle and Adora. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aybara, Perrin t'Bashere
- Blacksmith from Emond's Field. Son of Con and Joslyn. Brother of Paetram, Adora and Deselle. Husband of Zarine "Faile" ni Bashere t'Aybara. Known as Perrin Goldeneyes. Lord of the Two Rivers.
- Aydaer, Jared
- A resident of The Two Rivers. Killed by Trollocs in 999 NE.
- Aydaer, Master
- Cabinetmaker in Emond's Field.
- Aydaer, Pel
- A resident of Emond's Field (Master Aydaer?)
- Ayellin, Corin
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Ayellin, Dav
- A resident of Emond's Field. Left the village in 999 NE.
- Ayellin, Jon
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Ayellin, Larine
- A resident of The Two Rivers. A novice with the rebel Aes Sedai in 1000 NE.
- Ayellin, Milli
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Ayellin, Neysa
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Ayellin, Sari
- A resident of Emond's Field.
- Aylar, Malena
- A resident of Watch Hill?
- Ayliah, Get
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- Aynal
- Namesake of Widow Aynal's Meadow in Emond's Field.
- Azereos
- A patron of The Golden Wheel in Far Madding in 1000 NE.
- Azeri, Yurith
- A guardswoman in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn in 1000 NE.
- Azril
- Serving maid at Coulain's Hound in Caemlyn, Andor in 999 NE.
- Azzedin, Edesina
- An Accepted in the White Tower in 978 NE. Later an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Captured and made damane by the Seanchan. Rescued by Mat Cauthon in 1000 NE.

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