- Dabei, Theodrin
- An Accepted in the White Tower. Raised to Aes Sedai in 999 NE.
- Dachen, Nisao
- An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah.
- Dacan, Zerah
- An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah in 1000 NE. A Salidar rebel sent back to Tar Valon to spread rumors.
- Daeird
- A Cairhien soldier. A commander of pikemen.
- Daelvin
- Innkeeper of the Golden Stag in Maerone in 999 NE.
- Daerilla
- An Andoran lady.
- Dagar, Masema
- Warrior from Fal Dara. Later known as the Prophet. Killed by Faile Aybara in 1000 NE.
- Dagendra
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear.
- Dailin
- An Aiel of the Bitter Water (Iron Mountain?) sept of the Tardaad Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear. Second-sister to Aviendha. Killed by a Myrdraal in 999 NE.
- Dailin
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One.
- Dajenna, Sedore
- An Aes Sedai. A Darkfriend. A Sitter of the Hall for the Yellow Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Dal
- An Ogier.
- Dalar
- An Ogier.
- Dalfour, Benji
- A member of the Younglings. Killed by Shaido Aiel on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE.
- Dali
- A Seanchan damane in 1000 NE. Sister of Dani. Owned by Fortuona Paendrag.
- Dalisar, Ilyena Moerelle
- Wife of Lews Therin Telamon. Also known as Ilyena Therin Moerelle.
- Dalyn
- Name used by Logain while travelling through Andor in 999 NE.
- Dalvien
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Damara, Astoril
- Father of Medore Damara. A Tairen High Lord from (978 NE) to 1000 NE.
- Damara, Medore
- Daughter of High Lord Astoril. A Tairen lady. A member of Cha Faile in 1000 NE.
- Damentanis, Jeorg
- A merchant from Ilian in 1000 NE.
- Damelle
- An Ogier. Daughter of Ala, daughter of Soferra.
- Damodred, Aldecain
- Brother of Moressin and King Laman. Uncle of Moiraine. Killed on Danu 1st, 978 NE.
- Damodred, Alvaere
- Sister of Moiraine and Innloine.
- Damodred, Barthanes
- A Cairhien Lord, High Seat of House Damodred. Darkfriend. Murdered in 998 NE.
- Damodred, Caraline
- A Cairhien lady.
- Damodred, Carewin
- Queen of Cairhien for over fifty years. Great-grandmother of Moiraine.
- Damodred, Galadedrid
- Son of Taringail Damodred and Tigraine. Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn.
- (Damodred), Innloine
- Sister of Moiraine and Alvaere.
- Damodred, Laman
- King of Cairhien from 965 NE until his death on Danu 1st, 978 NE at the hands of the Aiel during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Uncle to Taringail and Moiraine Damodred. Brother of Moressin and Aldecain. Known to the Aiel as Treekiller.
- Damodred, Moiraine
- Born in 956 NE. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Younger sister of Anvaere and Innloine. Youngest half-sister of Taringail Damodred. Niece of King Laman.
- Damodred, Moressin
- Brother of Aldecain and King Laman. Uncle of Moiraine. Killed on Danu 1st, 978 NE.
- Damodred, Taringail
- Prince of Cairhien. Husband of Tigraine and father of Galadedrid. Later the husband of Queen Morgase and father of Elayne and Gawyn. Nephew of King Laman. Half-brother of Moiraine. Disappeared after the Aiel War (assassinated 984 NE?)
- Damodred, Tigraine
- Daughter-Heir of Andor. Daughter to Queen Mordrellan. Wife to Taringail Damodred and mother of Galadedrid. Sister to Luc. Disappeared in 972 NE and believed dead. Assumed identity of Shaiel, an Aiel and Maiden of the Spear. Died on Danu 2nd, 978 NE after giving birth to Rand on the slopes of Dragonmount.
- Danelle
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
- Daneen, Ludice
- An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. One of those chosen to search for the Dragon Reborn in 978 NE. From Tarabon.
- Dani
- A Seanchan damane in 1000 NE. Sister of Dali.
- Danil
- An infant in late 978 NE.
- Darksbane, Raolin
- A false Dragon who declared himself in 335 AB.
- Dapple
- Wolf.
- Dara
- A cook's helper in Tear.
- Darengil, Selande
- A Cairhien woman. Leader of the Falcon's Talon (Cha Faile) in 1000 NE.
- Darenhold, Innina
- One of nineteen Aes Sedai sent to kidnap Rand al'Thor. Apprenticed to Aiel Wise Ones. Swore to follow Rand in 1000 NE.
- Daricain
- A Lieutenant Lord from Cairhien. A member of House Annallin.
- Darin
- An Aiel of the Moshaine sept of the Shaido Aiel. Son of Maeric and Dyrele. Brother of Suraile.
- Darith
- A king, possibly a literary character.
- Darksbane, Raolin
- A false Dragon.
- Darvale
- Resident of Runnien Crossing. Performed the marriage of Bayle Domon and Egeanin Tamarth in 1000 NE.
- Darvan
- A fictitious suitor of Elmindreda.
- Dashiva, Corlan
- An Asha'man reportedly from the Black Hills. One of three who attacked Rand al'Thor in 1000 NE. In truth the identity taken by the Forsaken Osan'gar.
- Dautry, Oren
- A resident of the Two Rivers in 1000 NE.
- Dav
- Resident of Emond's Field. Friend of Mat Cauthon.
- Davian
- A False Dragon who declared himself in FY 351.
- Daviena
- An Aiel. A Wise One.
- Davindra
- Wife of Nevin. Widowed in 1000 NE following Nevin's death in a duel.
- Dawlish, Melfane
- Neice of Essande. Midwife who runs a small shop on Candle Street in Caemlyn's New City in 1000 NE.
- Deain
- Aes Sedai from Seanchan. Inventor of the a'dam.
- Dealda
- Younger sister of Jaichim Carridin. Killed by a Myrddraal in 999 NE.
- Dearn, Athan
- A resident of The Two Rivers.
- Dearn, Laila
- Maiden name of Laila Lewin.
- Decume, Latra Posae
- Powerful Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends. Known as Shadar Nor, the Cutter of the Shadow.
- Defane, Kara
- A Healer from Toman Head. Captured and collared by the Seanchan, but later freed.
- Deindre
- An Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends. Capable of Foretelling.
- Deirdru
- An Altaran lady. Killed by Semirhage in 1000 NE.
- Delarme, Cetalia
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Head of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears network in 978 NE. From Tarabon.
- Delarn
- A Red Arm in the Band of the Red Hand in 1000 NE.
- Delora
- An Aiel. A Wise One.
- Delovinde, Talmanes
- A Cairhien lord. Second-in-command of the Band of the Red Hand.
- Demain, Ines
- A lady in Chachin, Kandor. Mother of Rahien. Widowed in 979 NE.
- Demain, Rahien
- Son of Lady Ines Demain. Born near Dragonmount on Danu 3, 978 NE.
- Demalle, Parenia
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 817 NE to 866 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
- Demandred
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Barid Bel Medar.
- Demasaillin, Nelavaire
- An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in 1000 NE. Bonded to Asha'man Naeff.
- Dena
- Romantic interest and apprentice to Thom Merrilin. Murdered in 998 NE.
- Denal, Master
- Romantic interest of Derys?
- Denharad
- Lance-Captain of Lady Ailil Riatin in 1000 NE.
- Desandre
- An Accepted in the White Tower in 978 NE. Later an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. A prisoner of the Black Tower in 1000 NE.
- Deosin, Eadwin
- Husband to Saera Deosin. From Murandy.
- Deosin, Saera
- Wife to Eadwin Deosin. Possibly bore a son during the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
- Derah din Selaan Rising Wave
- An Atha'an Miere. Sailmistress of White Spray in 1000 NE.
- Dermon
- A Jenn Aiel.
- Derowin
- A childhood friend of Toram Riatin's.
- Derne
- Captain of the sailing vessel Swfit.
- Deryl
- A guard employed by a ring maker in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Desaine
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One. Murdered on Danu 28th, 999 NE on the orders of Sevanna.
- Desora
- An Aiel Maiden of the Spear from the Musara sept of clan Reyn. Killed in 999 NE.
- Dhael
- An Aiel.
- Dhearic
- An Aiel. Clan chief of the Reyn Aiel.
- Dhulaine, Arilyn
- A Cairhien lady.
- Dilham
- Innkeeper of Culain's Hound in Caemlyn, Andor in 999 NE.
- Dill
- An innkepper in Harlon Bridge in 1000 NE.
- Dimana
- A member of the Kin in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE. A seamstress.
- Diryk
- Born in 971 NE. Son of Brys, the Prince Consort of Kandor, and Queen Ethenielle. Brother to Antol, Jarene and four other siblings. Killed in 979 NE by Merean Redhill of the Black Ajah.
- Doesine
- A Cairhien Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah in 1000 NE. A Sitter in the Hall of Tar Valon.
- Doilan
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. Gai'shain in 999 NE.
- Doinal, Cera
- Serving woman in the Sun Palace in Cairhien in 1000 NE.
- Doirellin
- A Cairhienen. A member of the Children of the Light in 1000 NE.
- Doirellin, Lirene
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah in 1000 NE. From Cairhien.
- Doirmanes
- A gai'shain of the Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE.
- Domanche, Rasoria
- A former Hunter for the Horn. Employed as one of Elayne Trakand's personal bodyguards in 1000 NE. From Tear.
- Domeille
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear.
- Domon, Bayle
- Captain of the riverboat Spray. Captured by the Seanchan and made property. Purchased by Captain Egeanin Tamarath and made her so'jhin. Married Egeanin in the village of Runnien Crossing in Altara in 1000 NE.
- Donavelle, Mashera
- An Aes Sedai.
- Dongal
- A soldier in the Band of the Red Hand in 1000 NE.
- Doni
- A street urchin in Tear in 1000 NE.
- Donjel
- A scout serving under Rodel Ituralde in 1000 NE.
- Dorailla
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One.
- Doraille, Javindrha
- An Aes Sedai and Sitter of the Red Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Doraise
- An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
- Doralmin, Silene
- A seamstress in Chachin, Kandor in 979 NE.
- Dorel
- An Atha'an Miere.
- Dorelmin, Silene
- A seamstress from Chachin, Kandor.
- Dorile din Eiran Long Feather
- An Atha'an Miere. Windfinder of Windrunner.
- Dorindha
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear. Wife of Bael. First-sister of Melaine. Roofmistress of Smoke Springs Hold.
- Dorine, Jurith
- Right Hand to the Queen of Almoren circa 742 AB.
- Dorje, Anath
- Soe'feia to High Lady Tuon following the death of Nefari in 998 NE. The Forsaken Semirhage in disguise.
- Dorlain, Maighdin
- An alias used by Morgase in Ghealdan in 1000 NE.
- Dormaille, Ilain
- A banker in Tar Valon in 978 NE. Handled Moiraine Damodred's accounts.
- Dormin
- A bootmaker from Cairhien. Made gai'shain by the Shaido Aiel in 1000 NE.
- Dorn, Lamgwin
- Guard employed at The Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn. Bodyservant to Perrin Aybara in 1000 NE. Romantically involved with Breane Taborwin.
- Dosera
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One. Killed by a wolf at Dumai's Wells in 1000 NE.
- Dovarna, Norine
- An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah.
- Doweel, Jara
- Owner of a farm in the Black Hills.
- Dowtry, Bar
- A resident of Emond's Field. Husband of Kimry.
- Dowtry, Buel
- Resident of Emond's Field. Fletcher known for excellent work.
- Dowtry, Elam
- A resident of Emond's Field. Left the village in 999 NE.
- Dowtry, Jaim
- A possible resident of Emond's Field.
- Dowtry, Kimry
- A resident of Emond's Field. Wife of Bar. Maiden name Lewin.
- Dragand, Suana
- An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Head of the Yellow Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Drapaneos, Kiril
- A soldier (lord?) in 1000 NE.
- Dromand, Nuhel
- Warder of Myrelle Sedai. Rumored to be one of her husbands. Previously the Warder of another sister. From Illian.
- Dubaris, Meashan
- A member of the Arad Doman Council of Merchants. Killed by a mob in the spring of 1000 NE.
- Dulain
- A lord from Murandy. Killed in 996 NE by an Andoran farmer.
- Dunsinin
- A character in the book The Flame, the Blade and the Heart.
- Dura, Tervail
- Warder of Beonin Marinye in 1000 NE. From Tarabon.
- Dyfelle, Arind
- An Aes Sedai?
- Dyrele
- An Aiel of the Moshaine sept of the Shaido Ael. Wife of Maeric. Mother of Darin and Suraile. A roofmistress and former Maiden of the Spear.

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