- Raab
- Sea Folk sailor.
- Rabbit Nose
- A wolf.
- Radhanan
- Seanchan Empress killed by Semirhage in 1000 NE.
- Radlin
- An Ogier.
- Rael, Alwin
- A Cairhien citizen?
- Raen
- Mahdi of a band of Tuatha'an. Husband to Ila. Friend of Elyas Machera.
- Ragan
- Warrior from Fal Dara.
- Rahman
- A Domani lord in 1000 NE.
- Rahvin
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Ared Mosinel.
- Rainyn
- An Atha'an Miere Windfinder in 1000 NE.
- Rajabi
- A Domoni lord. Dragonsworn. Follower of Rodel Ituralde in 1000 NE.
- Rajan, Lideine
- One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB. Presumably stilled circa 77 AB.
- Rajar
- A First Lieutenant in the Younglings in 1000 NE. Originally from Arad Doman. Trained at Tar Valon for six years.
- Rakim
- A soldier in the Grand Alliance in 978 NE. From Saldaea.
- Ramedar, Joal
- King of Aldeshar. Last to rule before the conquest of Artur Hawkwing. Father of Endara Casalain.
- Ramesa
- An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Ramey
- A stableboy at The Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn, Andor.
- Ramman, Eval
- Aes Sedai historian in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Balthamel.
- Ramosanya, Alvera
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 549 NE to 578 NE. Originally of the Yellow Ajah.
- Ramshalan
- A Domani noble in 1000 NE.
- Ramsid
- The brother of King Alsalam of Arad Doman. Enslaved by Graendal.
- Ramsin, Kalyan
- An uncle of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea.
- Rana
- An aunt of Min's.
- Raned, Daerilla
- An Andoran noble in 1000 NE. Uses the sigil of Silver Stars.
- Rashan
- A servant of Graendal's. Killed by Sammael in 999 NE.
- Rashan
- A Warder of Erian Sedai.
- Raskovni, Caseille
- An Arafellin under-lieutenant in the Andoran Queen's Guards in 1000 NE.
- Rath, Tsutama
- An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Exiled from Tar Valon in 980 NE for unknown reasons. Returned to the tower at an unknown date. Made the head of the Red Ajah following the presumed death of Galina Casban at Dumia's Wells in 1000 NE.
- Ravashi
- Daugher of Empress Radhanan. Older sister of High Lady Tuon. Murdered by Semirhage in 1000 NE.
- Raveneos, Aisha
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. One of those chosen by the Amyrlin Seat to search for the Dragon Reborn in 978 NE.
- Reale
- An attendant of Queen Colavaere in 1000 NE.
- Redhill, Jestian
- An Aes Sedai.
- Redhill, Merean
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Mistress of Novices under Amyrlin Tamra Ospenya. Replaced by Amira in 979 NE. A member of the Black Ajah. Killed in 979 NE by Moiraine Damodred.
- Reiko
- An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah in 1000 NE. From Arafel.
- Reimon
- A young Tairen lord.
- Remedan
- King of Aelgar circa 209 AB. Known as Remedan the Goldentongued.
- Renaile din Calon Blue Star
- An Atha'an Miere. Winderfinder to the Mistress of the Ships. Lost her rank and position following the death of Nesta din Reas Two Moons in 1000 NE.
- Rendra
- Innkeeper of the Three Court Plum in Tanchico.
- Renna
- A Seanchan sul'dam. Capable of channeling. Killed by Chel Vanin in 1000 NE.
- Renshar, Arathelle
- An Andoran lady. High Seat of House Renshar in 1000 NE.
- Renshar, Hanselle
- Grandson of Arathelle Renshar in 1000 NE.
- Resara
- An aunt of Leane's.
- Rhea
- Wife of Prince Caar of Manetheren. Killed Caar and later committed suicide before his tomb.
- Rhea
- A Da'shain Aiel. Daughter of Adan. Captured by brigands.
- Rhuarc
- An Aiel of the Nine Valleys sept of the Tardaad Aiel. Clan chief of the Tardaad Aiel. Formerly a Red Shield. Husband of Amys and Lian.
- Rhiale
- An Aiel of the Shaido Aiel. A Wise One.
- Riallin
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear in 1000 NE.
- Rhian
- An Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear.
- Rhiannon
- A queen from a literary tale.
- Rhodric
- An Aiel. Greatfather of Comran. Fought invaders from the wetlands.
- Riatin, Ailil
- A Cairhien lady in 1000 NE. Sister of Toram Riatin.
- Riatin, Galldrian
- King of Cairhien. House Riatin. Assassinated in 998 NE.
- Riatin, Toram
- A Cairhien lord. Brother of Ailil Riatin. Connected with Jareel Mordeth (Padan Fain) in 1000 NE. Disappeared in 1000 NE. Killed in the late winter of 1000 NE in Far Madding by Lan Mandragoran.
- Rilith
- Weaver's daughter and resident of Jarra. Married Jon in early 999 NE.
- Rina
- An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. A Sitter of the Hall for the Green Ajah in 1000 NE.
- Rinnin
- Farmhand working for Renald Fanwar in Shienar in 1000 NE.
- Riselle
- A well-endowed Ebou Dari woman. One of Queen Tylin's attendants. Engaged to marry Banner-general Yamada in the late winter of 1000 NE.
- Rissan
- A Saldaean soldier in 999 NE.
- Riven, Marith
- An Aes Sedai.
- Rochaid, Manel
- A member of the Asha'man. Known as Baijan'm'hael, Attack Leader. One of three who attacked Rand al'Thor in 1000 NE. a Darkfriend. Accidentally killed by Raefar Kisman in Far Madding in 1000 NE.
- Rockshaw, Bavin
- Quartermaster for Perrin Aybara's refugees in 1000 NE.
- Rodera
- An Aiel. Gai'shain in 999 NE.
- Rodic
- A squad leader in the Younglings in 1000 NE.
- Roedran, Almaric Arreloa a'Naloy
- King of Murandy from (999 NE) to 1000 NE.
- Rogad, Gorin
- A false Dragon killed in Illian in 995 NE.
- Roidan
- An Aiel. Leader of the Thunder Walkers.
- Roidelle
- A mapmaker with the Band of the Red Hand in 1000 NE.
- Rogosh
- Famous Hunter of the Horn from Talmour. Known as "Eagle-eye." A Hero of the Horn of Valere.
- Rolan
- An Aiel. One of the Mera'din. Killed by Perrin Aybara outside of Malden in 1000 NE.
- Romavni, Eurian
- Kandori author of A Journey to Tarabon, published in 946 NE.
- Romera
- Shatayan of the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor in 979 NE.
- Romlin, Aleis
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 890 NE to 922 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
- Ronan
- Shambayan of Fal Dara keep. Killed by Trollocs in Fal Dara in 998 NE.
- Ronaille, Vevanios
- An Aes Sedai. Stilled by Rand al'Thor at Dumai's Wells in 1000 NE. Healed by Damer Flinn.
- Ronelle
- An Accepted among the rebel Aes Sedai in Salidar in 999 NE.
- Roon, Mother
- Resident of Jarra.
- Rorik
- Warder to Magla in 1000 NE.
- Ros, Fridwyn
- Manager of Lord Aedmun Matherin's estates in 1000 NE. Former soldier.
- Rosala
- A Seanchan in service to High Lady Suroth in 1000 NE.
- Rosana
- A Tairen High Lady in 1000 NE.
- Rosene
- A servent of Berelain's in 1000 NE.
- Roshan
- Samitsu Tamagowa's Warder in 1000 NE.
- Rosoinde, Garenia
- See Zarya Alkaese.
- Rovair
- A Cairhien noble.
- Rubinde
- An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. A Sitter in the Hall of the Tower in 1000 NE.
- Rugan, Chai
- An Aes Sedai in 1000 NE. A Darkfriend.
- Rumann
- A sword-juggler with Valan Luca's traveling show in 1000 NE. Romantically involved with Adria.
- Ruthan
- Clerk to Weilan Aldragoran in 1000 NE.
- Rysael
- Aa Atha'an Miere Windfinder.

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