- Ocalin, Sabeine
- A member of the Kin in 1000 NE. Capable of Traveling.
- Old Deer
- A wolf.
- Olver
- An orphaned boy found in Maerone. Born in 990 NE.
- Omerna, Abdel
- A Lord Captain in the Children of the Light and the Council of Anointed. Publicly known as the organization's secret spymaster. Assassinated Lord Captain Commander Pedron Niall on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE. Killed by Lord Captain Eamon Valda on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE.
- Ondin, Daerid
- A Cairhien soldier. Captain in the Band of the Red Hand and commander of its infantry.
- Orande, Faolain
- An Accepted in the White Tower. Raised to Aes Sedai in 999 NE.
- Orander
- A king and character in the story Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.
- Orban
- A lord and Hunter of the Horn of Valere.
- Ordeith (Wormwood)
- Name used by Padan Fain in dealing with the Children of the Light.
- Ortis
- A squadman/scout in the Mayener Winged Guards in 1000 NE.
- Osana
- A Domani noblewoman in 1000 NE.
- Osan'gar
- One of the Forasaken. The reincarnated soul of Aginor. Posed as Corlan Dashiva, an Asha'man, until his death in 1000 NE at the hands of Elza Penfell.
- Oselle
- An Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends.
- Osellin, Amondrid
- A Cairhien lord in 1000 NE. Known to oppose Rand al'Thor.
- Osiellin, Belevaere
- A Cairhien lady.
- Ospenya, Tamra
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 973 NE to 979 NE. Originally from the Blue Ajah. Killed by the Black Ajah on Taisham 14, 979 NE.
- Owein
- Warder bonded to Aes Sedai Alanna Mosvani. Killed by the Children of the Light in 999 NE.
- Owyn
- Nephew of Thom Merrilin capable of channeling. Died after being gentled by the Aes Sedai.

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