- Vadere
- Innkeeper of the Golden Barge in So Habor in 1000 NE.
- Valda, Eamon
- Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. Killed Lord Captain Abdel Omerna on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE.
- Vandes, Eban
- Author of The History of the Stone of Tear.
- Vane
- A merchant killed by Mat Cuathon in Maderin in 1000 NE.
- Vanin, Chel
- A member of the Band of the Red Hand in 999 NE.
- Vanora
- Sister of Jaichim Carridin. Killed by a Myrddraal.
- Varadin
- A wealthy merchant based in Tanchico. An agent of the Children of the Light.
- Varek
- A Seanchan under-lieutenant serving under Captain-General Kennar Miraj in 1000 NE.
- Varilin
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.
- Vasa
- Crew member of the sailing vessel Gray Gull.
- Vasha
- An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in 1000 NE. From Arad Doman.
- Vayet, Akoure
- An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. A captive of the Black Tower in 1000 NE.
- Vayu, Sierin
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 979 NE to 984 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
- Venamar, Ryne
- A survivor of Malkier and friend of Lan Mandragoran. A Darkfriend. Killed by Lan in 979 NE in Chachin.
- Vendare, Nathin Sarmain
- Lord of Maderin in 1000 NE.
- Verdin
- A squadman in the Band of the Red Hand.
- Verine
- An Accepted in the White Tower. Killed by Padan Fain in 999 NE.
- Veshir
- Farmhand working for Renald Fanwar in Shienar in 1000 NE.
- Vestas
- A captain in General Bryne's army in 1000 NE.
- Viendre
- An Aiel Wise One in 1000 NE.
- Vinchova, Evin
- An Asha'man in 1000 NE. A Dedicated.
- Vitalien
- Warder of Sarene Nemdahl in 1000 NE.
- Vivian
- A lord from Arad Doman in 1000 NE.
- Voniel
- An Ogier. Wife of Haman. Sister of Covril.
- Vora
- Presumably an ancient Aes Sedai. Name is connected to a powerful sa'angreal held by the White Tower in 1000 NE.
- Vostovan, Sarainya
- A member of the Kin in Ebou Dar in 1000 NE. A Wise Woman.

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