- Ianelle
- A Seanchan sul'dam in 1000 NE.
- Ibrella
- An Aes Sedai Novice in Salidar.
- Ieine
- A Kinswoman from Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Ihvon
- Warder to Aes Sedai Alanna Mosvani.
- Ila
- A Tuatha'an. Wife of Raen.
- Illeisien
- An Aes Sedai.
- Inala
- A novice in the White Tower in 1000 NE. From Arad Doman.
- Indirian
- An Aiel. Clan chief of the Codarra Aiel.
- Ines
- A Cairhien lady.
- Ingtar
- Lord of House Shinowa. Warrior from Fal Dara. Darkfriend. Presumed killed in 998 NE.
- Iralin
- Dockmaster in Arad Doman in 1000 NE.
- Irella
- Accepted of the White Tower.
- Isan
- An Aiel of the Jarra Sept of the Chareen Aiel. A Maiden of the Spear. Killed on Taisham 11th, 1000 NE at the Battle of Dumai's Wells.
- Isebele
- From Dal Calain. Once summoned Anghara, the Amrylin Seat.
- Isendre
- A companion of Hadnan Kadere's. A Darkfriend.
- Ishamael (Betrayer of Hope)
- One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Elan Morin Tedronai. Also known as Ba'alzamon and the Betrayer of Hope.
- Ismic
- A lord. Husband of Nazelle.
- Ispan
- A Taraboner lady?
- Ituralde, Rodel
- A Domani lord. Husband of Tamsin. Considered one of the greatest captains in 999 NE. Known as the "Wolf" (or "Little Wolf"). Friend of King Alsalam.
- Ituralde, Tamsin
- Wife of Rodel Ituralde.
- Ivara
- A Kinswoman from Ebou Dar in 1000 NE.
- Ivon
- Weaponsmith in Cairhien's Foregate.
- Ivon
- A member of the Children of the Light.

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