- Zaida din Parede Blackwing
- An Atha'an Miere of Clan Catelar. Wife to Amel. Wavemistress of Clan Catelar and ambassador of the Mistress of the Ships. Appointed as the Mistress of the Ships in 1000 NE.
- Zakai
- A Seanchan damane in 1000 NE.
- Zanica
- An Aes Sedai in 1000 NE. A Darkfriend.
- Zarbayan, Devore
- A bannerwoman in the Andoran Queen's Guards in 1000 NE. From Saldea.
- Zavion
- A Lady of Gahaur in 1000 NE. Loyal to Lady Deira Bashere.
- Zarbay, Seta
- A Seanchan sul'dam in 1000 NE.
- Zeami, Bethamin
- A sul'dam captured in Tanchico by Captain Egeanin. Later freed by Egeanin. Born in a village on the Sea of L'Heye. Capable of channeling.
- Zemaille
- A novice in the White Tower since 960 NE. An Accepted from 970 NE to (978 NE). Later an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in 1000 NE. An Atha'an Miere.
- Zeffar, Sharmad
- A refugee from Arad Doman.
- Zepava, Comarra
- Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 244 NE to 276 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
- Zera
- Innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes in Cairhien's Foregate.
- Zeram
- Husband of Milsa. A bootmaker in Far Madding in 1000 NE. His shop was located on Blue Carp Street.
- Zeramene, Asne
- An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. Formerly of the Green Ajah. Raised to the shawl circa 870 NE. Killed outside of Caemlyn in 1000 NE.
- Zheres
- Romantic interest of Mathena.
- Zigane
- A Kinswomen in 1000 NE.
- Zorelle
- An Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends.
- Zushi
- Seanchan named for a captured Atha'an Miere made damane.

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