FY 20
The Gazaran Calendar, developed by Tiam of Gazar, is adopted. It counts the number of years following the end of the Trolloc Wars. [TEOTW-H-658]
FY 50
Circa: New nations begin to form from the surviving remnants of the Ten Nations. [TWORJTWOT-100]
FY 100
Along with Tar Valon, nations by this time included: Aldeshar, Abayan, Balasun, Basharande (bordering the Mountains of Dhoom), Caembarin, Del Calain, Darmovan, Dhowlan, Elan Doplar, Elsalam (bordering the Mountains of Dhoom), Esandara, Farashelle, Fergansea, Hamarea, Ileande, Indrahar, Kharendor, Khodomar, Masenashar, Moreina, Nerevan, Oburun, Oman Dahar, Roemalle, Rhamadashar (bordering the Mountains of Dhoom), Shandalle, Shiota, Talmour and Tova. [TWORJTWOT-101]
FY 291
Stedding Sherandu is consumed by the Blight and abandoned by the Ogier. [LOC-H-323]
FY 351
Davian declares himself the Dragon Reborn. [TGH-H-585]
Davian is either killed, captured or disappears. [TGH-H-585]
FY 500
Circa: Sometime between the end of the Trolloc Wars and the beginning of the War of the Hundred Years the Aes Sedai voluntarily require that every Accepted raised to full sisterhood take certain oaths using a ter'angreal known to make such oaths binding. [TGH-TP-282]
FY 642
A large fire destroys some of the contents of the White Tower's library. [TWORJTWOT-90]
FY 700-800
Circa: Kyera Termendal of Shiota makes a translation (later disputed) of The Prophecies of the Dragon. [ACOS-H-9]
FY 912
Birth date of Artur Paendrag Tanreall in Shandalle, son of King Myridin Paendrag Maregore and Queen Mailindhe Paendrag Lyndhall. [TWORJTWOT-102]
FY 915
Circa: Birth date of Guaire Amalasan. [TWORJTWOT-102]
FY 920
Circa: Birth date of Deane Aryman in the village of Salidar in Eharon. She is later raised to the Amyrlin Seat in FY 992. [LOC-H-706]
FY 937
Prince Artur Paendrag marries Lady Amaline Tagora. [TWORJTWOT-101]
FY 939
Winter: Guaire Amalasan declares himself the Dragon Reborn in Darmorvan. [TGH-H-585 / TWORJTWOT-101]
Artur Paendrag becomes King of Shandalle following the death of his father and mother due to the Black Fever. [TWORJTWOT-101]
Beginning of the War of the Second Dragon. [TDR-H-594]
Summer: Amalasan and his followers capture Darmorvan. [TWORJTWOT-103]
Circa: Bonwhin Meraighdin is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Red Ajah. Her rule lasts until circa FY 992. [TWORJTWOT-216]
FY 940
Spring: King Artur Paendrag sends Shandalle forces to fight against Amalasan. [TWORJTWOT-103]
Amalasan conquers Balasun and Elan Dapor. [TWORJTWOT-103]
FY 941
By this time all nations had made unsuccessful attempts to stop Amalasan. [TWORJTWOT-103]
FY 942
Having never been beaten by Amalasan during any of their engagements, Artur Paendrag is named "Hawkwing" for his ability to swiftly move his troops to appropriate locations. [TWORJTWOT-103]
Birth dates of the twins Modair and Amira, the son and daughter of Artur Hawkwing and Amaline Tagora. [TWORJTWOT-111]
FY 943
By this time Amalasan has gained control of Kharendor, Dhowlan, Farashelle, Shiota, Nerevan, Esandra, Fergansea and Moreina (except the Stone of Tear). [TWORJTWOT-103]
Spring: The forces of Artur Hawkwing and Amalasan meet unexpectedly near Endersole. The Battle of Endersole (or the Battle of Jolvaine Pass) ensues over a two day period and ends when Amalsan is captured. The capture of Amalsan signifies the end of the War of the Second Dragon. [TGH-H-585 / TWORJTWOT-105]
Artur Hawkwing immediately moves his remaining forces to Tar Valon, where he camps outside of the island. Amalasan is given over to Aes Sedai custody and later sentenced to be gentled. [TWORJTWOT-105]
Three days after the Battle of Endersole forces from Khodomar and Esandara, led respectively by Sawyn Maculhene and Elinde Motheneos, set out to free Amalasan. [TWORJTWOT-106]
A day after arriving at Tar Valon, Artur Hawkwing is given five days to leave the area by Amyrlin Seat Bonwhin Meraighdin. [TWORJTWOT-106]
Circa: An army of Amalasan's supporters reaches the White Tower in an attempt to free the false Dragon before he can be gentled. The attack is defeated, and record of it kept only in the secret histories of the Tower library. [ACOS-H-220]
The Khodomar and Esandara forces attack Tar Valon, which is taken by surprise. Artur Hawkwing's army helps to defeat these armies, and Sawyn Maculhene and Elinde Motheneos are both killed. [TWORJTWOT-106]
Early Summer: Artur Hawkwing returns to Shandalle. [TWORJTWOT-106]
King Artur Paendrag Tanreall Hawkwing forms his empire. [TGH-H-589]
Hawking establishes a calendar system, From the Founding (FF), but this system is only used by future historians.
Summer: Armies from Caembarin, Khodomar and Tova, possibly influenced by the White Tower, simultaneously attack Shandalle. [TWORJTWOT-106]
Beginning of the Wars of Consolidation, a period of twenty years during which Hawkwing would conquer all nations west of the Spine of the World. [TWORJTWOT-107]
Winter: Hawkwing, responding to the forces sent against him, has control of half of Tova and parts of Khodomar and Caembarin. Support for Hawkwing among the general populace of many lands begins to increase. [TWORJTWOT-107]
FY 944
Spring: Aldeshar, Ileande and Talmour attempt to aide the lands besieged by Hawkwing. [TWORJTWOT-107]
Artur Hawkwing attempts to gain the aide of the White Tower in negotiating with his enemies, but is unable to secure any assistance. [TWORJTWOT-112]
FY 954
Artur Hawkwing accepts an Aes Sedai advisor, Chowin Tsao. [TWORJTWOT-113]
FY 959
Artur Hawkwing's son Modair is killed in battle. [TWORJTWOT-111]
FY 961
Amaline Tagora and Artur Hawkwing's three remaining children are killed by poison. [TWORJTWOT-111]
FY 962
Artur Hawkwing refuses to maintain an Aes Sedai advisor for unknown reasons. [TWORJTWOT-113]
FY 963
After twenty years of fighting, during which he was never defeated, King Artur Hawking becomes ruler of all lands except for Tar Valon. The last nation to fall to him is Aldeshar. This final conquest ends the Wars of Consolidation. [TWORJTWOT-107]
FY 964
Artur Hawkwing makes an unsuccessful attempt to invade the Aiel Waste. [TWORJTWOT-111]
Autumn: Artur Hawkwing meets Tamika. [TWORJTWOT-112]
FY 965
Artur Hawkwing marries Tamika. [TWORJTWOT-112]
FY 967
Birth date of Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, son of Artur Hawkwing and Tamika. [TWORJTWOT-112]
Artur Hawkwing again accepts an Aes Sedai as an advisor. [TWORJTWOT-113]
FY 968 or FY 969
Sources indicate that Bonwhin, the Amyrlin Seat, may have refused an audience with Tamika. [TWORJTWOT-112]
FY 973
Jalwin Moerad, the Forsaken Ishamael in disguise, appears at Artur Hawkwing's court. [TWORJTWOT-114]
FY 974
Summer: Jalwin Moerad, a man with clear contempt for Aes Sedai, is a close advisor to Artur Hawkwing. [TWORJTWOT-112]
Autumn: Artur Hawkwing suddenly dismisses his Aes Sedai advisor and all other Aes Sedai holding positions within the Empire. [TWORJTWOT-113]
FY 975
Spring: Artur Hawkwing places a bounty of 1000 gold crowns on all Aes Sedai who do not renounce Tar Valon and the White Tower. This action is taken on the advice of Jalwin Moerad. [TEOTW-H-172-366 / TWORJTWOT-113]
Summer: Artur Hawking begins an attack on Tar Valon. These forces are led by General Souran Maravaile. [TWORJTWOT-113]
FY 986
Spring: A large Trolloc invasion strikes from the Blight into the northern regions of Hawkwing's empire. [TWORJTWOT-108]
FY 987
Summer: The Trolloc invasion is defeated at Talidar following seven major battles over a period of six days and nights. This marks the first and last attempt by the Trollocs to attack Hawkwing's empire. A monument to those who had fallen in battle against the Trollocs is built. [TGH-TP-152 / TWORJTWOT-108]
Autumn: Hawkwing's second wife, Tamika, dies. [TWORJTWOT-108]
FY 989
Hawkwing begins planning an expedition across the Aryth Ocean, in part due to the advice of Jalwin Moerad. [TEOTW-H-172 / TWORJTWOT-108]
Funded by public money, a huge statue of Artur Hawkwing is begun within an abandoned Ogier stedding (on a plain later known as the Caralain Grass). The statue is to be part of a new capital city being planned by Hawkwing. [TEOTW-H-367]
FY 992
Hawkwing sends a massive army of approximately 2000 ships across the Aryth Ocean to Seanchan. The army is commanded by his son, Luthair Paendrag Mondwin. [TGH-H-589]
Bonwhin Meraighdin is deposed as Amyrlin and stilled. [TGH-TP-53 / TWORJTWOT-114]
Deane Aryman of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until her death in FY 1084. [LOC-H-706]
FY 993
Hawkwing sends a fleet to Shara. This fleet is commanded by one of Hawkwing's daughters. [TWORJTWOT-109]
A fire attributed to arson destroys some of the content of the White Tower's extensive library. [TWORJTWOT-90]
Hawkwing's Sharan fleet makes contact with Shara according to Sea Folk records. [TWORJTWOT-109]
FY 994
According to observations made by the Sea Folk, Hawkwing's Sharan fleet is burned and destroyed. [TWORJTWOT-109]
Amyrlin Deane Aryman convinces Souran Maravaile to end the siege of Tar Valon. [LOC-H-706]
Laiwynde, one of Artur Hawkwing's daughters, dies along with an unnamed son of hers. [TWORJTWOT-112]
Early Summer: After fighting an illness for more than a month, Artur Hawkwing dies. His death coincides with the completion of the statute built in his honor. Before his death Hawkwing had ordered his councilors executed and Tar Valon destroyed. These extreme actions had been suggestions of Jalwin Moerad. [TEOTW-H-172-367-669]
Souran Maravaile continues the siege on Tar Valon. [TWORJTWOT-116]
Jalwin Moerad begins to advise Marithelle Camaelaine. [TWORJTWOT-115]
The beginning of the War of the Hundred Years months after the death of Hawkwing. [TEOTW-H-669]
Ishara Casalain, the daughter of the provincial governor of Andor, Endara Casalain, becomes the first Queen of the nation of Andor. She rules until FY 1020. Following an agreement to send her eldest daughter to Tar Valon for training, Ishara accepts an Aes Sedai advisor, Ballair, and becomes the first ruler to gain such counsel. [TWORJTWOT-117 / LOC-H-378]
FY 995
Late Spring: Souran Maravaile breaks his siege of Tar Valon at the request of Queen Ishara, whom he later marries. [TWORJTWOT-235]
FY 996
Bonwhin dies in the White Tower. [TWORJTWOT-114]
FY 1000
Circa: Aes Sedai Deain creates the first a'dam in Seanchan. Having been allied with the Armies of the Night, Deain defects and joins the forces of Luthair Paendrag Mondwin. She demonstrates the use of the a'dam, but is later leashed herself. All women capable of channeling, called damane, are forced to wear the a'dam. They are controlled by women known as sul'dam, who are in fact themselves capable of learning to channel the One Power. [TGH-TP-483]
FY 1015
Jalwin Moerad disappears, having apparently never aged a day in at least forty years. [TWORJTWOT-115]
FY 1017
Souran Maravaile is assassinated by four swordsmen, leaving no male heirs to claim the throne of Andor. [TWORJTWOT-117 / LOC-H-66]
FY 1020
Alesinde, the daughter of Ishara, becomes the second Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1035. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1021
The Children of Light are formed by Lothair Mantelar in order to preach against the activities of Darkfriends. [TWORJTWOT-117/TDR-H-583]
FY 1025
Circa: By this time most efforts to destroy any and all items and records relating to Hawkwing are complete. [TWORJTWOT-111]
FY 1035
Circa: The only Significant Trolloc activity near the Blight since FY 987. [TWORJTWOT-108]
Melasune becomes the third Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1046. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1046
Termylle becomes the fourth Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1054. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1050
Circa: The Ways, constructed almost two-thousand years ago by male Aes Sedai using the tainted saidin, begin to deteriorate. Travel in the Ways is eventually banned as they grow dark and dangerous, and the presence of a creature known as Machin Shin (the Black Wind) is discovered. [TEOTW-H-545 / TWORJTWOT-199]
FY 1054
Maragaine becomes the fifth Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1073. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1073
Astara becomes the sixth Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1085. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1084
Amyrlin Deane Aryman dies in an accident at the approximate age of 164. [LOC-H-706]
Selame Necone of the Green Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat following the death of Deane Aryman. Her rule lasts until 5 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
FY 1085
Telaisien becomes the seventh Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1103. [TWORJTWOT-117]
Circa: Esmara Getares makes an unsuccessful attempt to invade and conquer Andor. She is captured and spends her remaining twelve years of life a prisoner until her assassination. [LOC-H-378]
FY 1103
Morrigan becomes the eighth Queen of Andor. She rules until FY 1114. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1110
Circa: By this time the Children of the Light had evolved into a military organization solely devoted to the destruction of all Darkfriends. [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1114
Lyndelle becomes the ninth Queen of Andor. She rules for fifty-one years (circa 20 NE). [TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1115
Circa: Narasim Bhuran makes the last known attempt to claim the remnants of Hawkwing's empire. He fails quickly and is executed a year later. [LOC-H-378]
FY 1117
The end of the War of the Hundred Years. The destruction of records from this era results in confusion as to the actual date by the end of the war. Varied sources suggest this year may have been anywhere from FY 1115 to FY 1119. [TEOTW-H-669 / TWORJTWOT-117]
FY 1135 / 1 NE
The last year of the Free Year Calendar and the first year of the Farede Calendar. [TWORJTWOT-118]

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