1 NE / FY 1135
Nations that exist following the War of the Hundred Years include: Almoth, Altara, Amadacia, Andor, Arad Doman, Arafel, Cairhien, Caralain, Ghealdan, Goaban, Hardan, Illian, Irenvelle, Kandor, Kintara, Mar Haddon, Maredo, Malkier, Mosara, Murandy, Saldea, Shienar, Tear and Tarabon. [TWORJTWOT-118]
5 NE
Rabayn Marushta is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the White Ajah. Her rule lasts until 36 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
Circa: Algwyn is the last Seanchan male to hold the Crystal Throne. [WH-H-328]
31 NE
Stedding Chandar is consumed by the Blight and abandoned by the Ogier. [LOC-H-323]
36 NE
Dalaine Ndaye is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Gray Ajah. Her rule lasts until 64 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
50 NE
Circa: The Farede Calendar, developed by Uren din Jubai Soaring Gull and popularized by the Panarch Farede of Tarabon, gains acceptance. It counts the number of years following the end of the War of the Hundred Years. [TEOTW-H-658]
64 NE
Edarna Noregovna is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue Ajah. Her rule lasts until 115 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
100 NE
Circa: After the death of the last emperor, the Seanchan Empire is ruled exclusively by women. [KOD-H-753]
115 NE
Balladare Arandaille of the Brown Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rules lasts until 142 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
142 NE
Medanor Eramandos is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Gray Ajah. Her rule lasts until 171 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
171 NE
Kiyosa Natomo of the Green Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 197 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
197 NE
Catala Lucanvalle of the Yellow Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 223 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
223 NE
Elisa Strang of the Gray Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 244 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
231 NE
Ellaine Marise'idin Alshinn, chief librarian at the Court of Arafel, makes a translation of The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon. [TGH-TP-after contents]
244 NE
Comarra Zepava of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 276 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
276 NE
Serenia Latar is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Gray Ajah. Her rule lasts until her death in 306 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
300 NE
Circa: Queen Modrellein of Andor personally leads her troops against a Tairen army during the Battle of Cuallin Dhen. [TDR-H-152]
306 NE
Amyrlin Serenia Latar dies. Her body is later obtained by the Children of the Light, who hang the corpse in accordance with their laws. [LOC-H-437]
Doniella Alievin of the Brown Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 332 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
332 NE
Aliane Senican of the White Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 355 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
350 NE
Circa: Last time that the Seanchan are known to have punished their damane by mutilation. [COT-H-102]
355 NE
Suilin Escanda of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 396 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
396 NE
Nirelle Coidevwin is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Green Ajah. Her rules lasts until 419 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
400 NE
Circa: Stedding Tsofu is discovered near Cairhien. [TGH-TP-407 / LOC-H-323]
Circa: A peddler attempts to find Rhuidean in the Aiel Waste. He reports a golden city in the clouds above a mountain, and of a nearby object matching the description of a Portal Stone. The peddler later relates his tale to Soran Milo, an author working on a book entitled The Killers of the Black Veil. [TSR-H-250]
Circa: Ogier Serden, son of Kolom son of Radlin, writes of the Ways. [LOC-H-608]
Circa: Birth date of Aloisia Nemosni. [WH-H-238]
419 NE
Ishara Nawan of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 454 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
454 NE
Cerilla Marodred of the Gray Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 476 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
476 NE
Igaine Luin is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Brown Ajah. Her rule lasts until 520 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
500 NE
Circa: The nations of Carallain and Goaban, remnants of Artur Hawkwing's empire, vanish. [TGH-TP-583/TGH-TP-588]
Circa: Three claimants to the Lion Throne of Andor receive equal support from major Andoran Houses. Seven years of war ensues before a queen is crowned, at which point all three of the original claimants were already dead. [COT-H-351]
509 NE
The Aiel give permission for the Cairhien to cross the Aiel Waste. The Cairhien are the only ones besides the Tinkers and peddlers given this privilege. This is done after the Aiel learn that the ancestors of the Cairhien had helped the Aiel during the Breaking of the World. [TWORJTWOT-119]
520 NE
Beryl Marle is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the White Ajah. Her rule lasts until 533 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
526 NE
Corianin Nedeal, the last known Aes Sedai to possess the Talent of Dreaming prior to 999 NE, dies. [TDR-H-187-592 / TSR-H-143]
533 NE
Eldaya Tolen is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue Ajah. Her rule lasts until 549 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
549 NE
Alvera Ramosanya is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Yellow Ajah. Her rule lasts until 578 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
550 NE
Circa: A blood feud develops between the Goshien and Shaarad clans of the Aiel. [TDR-H-364]
566 NE
The Aiel give a sapling from Avendesora to Cairhien as a gift. This sapling is grown into a tree named Avendoraldera. [TDR-H-582]
578 NE
Shein Chunla is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Green Ajah. Her rule lasts until 601 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
588 NE
(Sometime after Taisham 18th): Birth date of Reanne Corly, a woman capable of channeling who would later fail to become Aes Sedai. [ACOS-H-502]
600 NE
Circa: By this time the nations of Almoth, Irenvelle, Kintara, Mar Haddon, Maredo and Mosara have vanished. [TWORJTWOT-118]
Circa: The last time prior to 999 NE (Lan from Moiraine to Myrelle) that an Aes Sedai had passed the bond of her Warder to another without the man's permission or consent. [TGH-TP-272 / ACOS-H-236]
Circa: The last time prior to 998 NE that the Hunt of the Horn, the epic search for the legendary Horn of Valere, was called. [LOC-H-117]
Circa: Alivia, a Seanchan woman very strong with the One Power, is collared and made damane at the age of fourteen. [WH-H-205-608]
Circa: The Third War of Garen's Wall, believed by most histories to have been caused by Amyrlin Shein Chunla, but in truth due to the actions of the Hall of the Tower. [KOD-H-513]
The Third War of Garen's Wall occured sometime between 578 NE and 601 NE during the reign of Amyrlin Shein Chunla.
601 NE
Displeased with the incomptent actions of the Hall of the Tower, which had long since taken control of the White Tower from Amyrlin Shein Chunla, Aes Sedai mutiny and send Shein into guarded exile. The public record indicates that she died while serving in office. [TPOD-H-324]
Gerra Kishar of the Gray Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 638 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
638 NE
Varuna Morrigan of the Green Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 681 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
652 NE
Former Amyrlin Shein Chunla is murdered in her sleep following a fourth attempt to restore her to power. The secret records of the White Tower suggest that Chunla was suffocated by her guards. [TPOD-H-324 / KOD-H-513]
671 NE
The Great Winter War between Andor and Cairhien. [KOD-H-514]
681 NE
Cemaile Sorenthaine is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Gray Ajah. Her rule lasts until 705 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
700 NE
Circa: The nations of Tarabon and Arad Doman begin to dispute control of Almoth Plain. Some records indicate that this dispute may have begun as far back as 600 NE. [TGH-TP-45 / TDR-H-xx]
Circa: The nation of Hardan is fully abandoned by its people. For the next hundred years the capital city of Harad Dakar is slowly taken apart piece by piece by former citizens. In time little remains to mark the city's location. [TGH-TP-153]
Circa: Halvar, the First of Mayene, raises the price of Mayener lamp oil in order to prevent Tear from attempting to discover the location of Mayene's oilfish shoals. To further placate the High Lords of Tear, Havar gives them a powerful ter'angreal shaped in the form of a redstone doorframe. [TSR-H-96]
Circa: Some time after acquiring the redstone ter'angreal from the Firsts of Mayene, the High Lords of Tear stop collecting items that use or are connected with the One Power. [TSR-H-95]
Circa: Ogier author Ledar writes A Study of Men, Women and the One Power Among Humans. [LOC-H-672]
Circa: Kirstian Chalwin, a novice in the White Tower, runs away. She later relocates to Ebou Dar and joins the Kin. [TPOD-H-543]
701 NE
Circa: The High Lords of Tear arrange for the assassination of Halvar, the First of Mayene. [TSR-H-96]
705 NE
Circa: Birth date of Cadsuane Melaidhrin in Far Madding. Later a famous Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah known for her strength in the Power. [ACOS-H-671 / TGS-H-476]
Marasale Jureen of the Yellow Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 732 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
730 NE
Circa: For the last time in her life, Cadsuane Melaidhrin encounters a situation she cannot surmount. [ACOS-H-347]
732 NE
Feragaine Saralman of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 754 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
754 NE
Myriam Copan of the Green Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 797 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
794 NE
Two Accepted put out from the White Tower form an organization known as the Daughters of Silence. They eventually recruit twenty-three other women capable of channeling to join their society. [WH-H-660]
798 NE
The Daughters of Silence are discovered by the Aes Sedai, and all are returned to the White Tower and punished. This is the last known gathering of female channelers to be broken by the White Tower. [ACOS-H-481 / WH-H-660]
797 NE
Zernada Tyrim of the Brown Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 817 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
800 NE
Circa: The last battles of the Consolidation take place in Seanchan. [TPOD-H-434]
817 NE
Parenia Demalle of the Gray Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 866 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
859 NE
Until 999 NE, the last time a woman was stilled by the White Tower for a crime. [ACOS-H-681]
866 NE
Sereille Bagand of the White Ajah, previously a Mistress of Novices in the Tower, is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 890 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216 / ACOS-H-512]
Seaine Herimon is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the White Ajah. [ACOS-H-512 / WH-H-24]
870 NE
Asne Zeramene, a Darkfriend, is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Green Ajah. [WH-H-244]
Circa: Moria Karentanis is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. [COT-H-442-460]
890 NE
Aleis Romlin is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Green Ajah. Her rule lasts until 922 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
Circa: Cairhien gives up claim to the lands of the former nation of Hardan. [TGH-TP-155]
900 NE
Circa: Merilille Ceandevin is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the Gray Ajah. [COT-H-294]
908 NE
Birth date of Loial, son of Arent son of Halan. [TEOTW-H-461]
910 NE
Circa: Birth date of Zarya Alkaese. [WH-H-194]
911 NE
Circa: Birth date of Galina Casban, later to become an Aes Sedai and member of the Black Ajah. [ACOS-H-623]
922 NE
Kirin Melway of the Brown Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 950 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
925 NE
Circa: Merana is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. [ACOS-H-335]
930 NE
Circa: Zarya Alkaese, a novice in the White Tower, runs away and later relocates in Ebou Dar under the name Garenia Rosoinde. [TPOD-H-542]
940 NE
Circa: Alin Seroku begins a career as a soldier along the Borderlands. [NSTN-H-207]
946 NE
Eurian Romavni of Kandor writes the book A Journey to Tarabon. [TSR-H-141]
948 NE
Birth date of Ryne Venamar. [NSTN-H-212]
950 NE
Noane Masadim of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 973 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
Circa: Careane Fransi is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the Green Ajah. [COT-H-294]
951 NE
Circa: Aes Sedai Cadsuane Melaidhrin retires from active service and establishes a residence in northern Ghealdan. [ACOS-H-335]
953 NE
Birth date of al'Lan Mandragoran, son of King al'Akir Mandragoran and Queen el'Leanna Mandragoran, in Malkier. [LOC-H-709 / TWORJTWOT-247]
Merana Ambrey is raised to Aes Sedai. [LOC-H-551]
Circa: Dared by his wife Breyan, Lain Mandragoran travels into the Blight with a large force of men. Lain and his men are killed, and Breyan blames King al'Akir Mandragoran for not having lead more troops to support Lain's attack into the Blight. [TEOTW-H-596]
Circa: Plotting revenge against King al'Akir, Breyan and Lord Cowin "Fairheart" Gemallan attempt to gain the throne of Malkier for Breyan's son, Isam. In a move to take control of the Seven Towers, Cowin and Breyan move troops loyal to them from out of the Blight and the borderforts. Unknown to Breyan, Cowin is a Darkfriend. [TEOTW-H-596]
Circa: Trolloc forces take advantage of the weakened defenses of Malkier to attack the nation. The Malkieri are pushed back, and Breyan flees with her son Isam. Both are believed to have been pursued and killed by Trollocs. [TEOTW-H-596]
Circa: Cowin is captured by Jain "Farstrider" Charin and taken to the Seven Towers. King al'Akir faces Cowin in combat and kills him. [TEOTW-H-596]
With Malkier succumbing to the Blight, the infant Lan, already anointed as Dai Shan, a Diademed Battle Lord, is sent to Shienar in order to assure his survival. Consecrated as the next king of Malkier, he is given a Power-wrought sword that had been passed down among the kings of Malkier. [TEOTW-H-597 / TWORJTWOT-247]
King al'Akir and Queen el'Leanna die at Herot's Crossing while trying to defend Malkier from the advancing Trolloc armies. Forces from Shienar, Arafel and Kandor attack the Trollocs at the Stair of Jehann, and are able to temporarily push them back. [TEOTW-H-597]
Circa: Tar Valon dispatches more than one-hundred Aes Sedai to aid Malkier, but they arrive too late to be of any assistance. No official record is made of this failed attempt to assist Malkier. [NSTN-H-312]
Of the twenty bodyguards chosen to see Lan safely to Shienar, only five, including Bukama Marenellin, survive to reach Fal Moran. They raise Lan and teach him the ways of war. [TEOTW-H-597]
Birth date of Elin Warrel, future Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. [NSTN-H-34]
955 NE
Autumn: The abandoned nation of Malkier is overrun by Trolloc armies and destroyed. [TWORJTWOT-118 / LOC-H-709]
Circa: Tam al'Thor leaves The Two Rivers and joins Illian's army. [TGH-TP-105]
956 NE
(After Spring): Moiraine Damodred is born in the Royal Palace of Cairhien. She is later sent to train at Tar Valon in 972 NE. [LOC-H-710]
NOTE: Moiraine is 22 in the spring of 979 NE, which indicates that her birthday would take place some time after that point. The year of her birth is specifically stated in the Lord of Chaos glossary.
Birth date of Morgase Trakand. [TFOH-H-249]
957 NE
The lands of the former nation of Malkier are completely covered by the Blight. [TWORJTWOT-118]
The beginning of the Whitecloak War following Amadacia's attempt to conquer Altara. Illian responds to this aggression in order to prevent an attack on its own lands. These events are known as "The Troubles" in the histories of the Children of the Light. [TWORJTWOT-120]
Tam al'Thor serves with the forces of Illian during the Whitecloak War. [TGH-TP-105]
Forces of the Children of the Light commanded by Lord Captain Pedron Niall capture King Mattin Stepaneos of Illian at Soremaine, where the Illianer Companions help prevent the entrapment of the majority of the Illian army. [TWORJTWOT-120 / LOC-H-181]
The Council of Nine in Illian manage pay ransom in order to see the return of King Stepaneos. [TWORJTWOT-120]
King Stepaneos forces the Children of the Light to accept a treaty that requires them to give up any claim to Altara. [TWORJTWOT-120 / LOC-H-181]
958 NE
Padan Fain becomes a Darkfriend. [TEOTW-H-599]
Birth date of Siuan Sanche. [LOC-H-471]
Birth date of Furyk Karede, son of weavers and the property of Jalid Magonine. [COT-H-160]
960 NE
Circa: Aes Sedai Verin Mathwin begins a study of a document dating from before the Breaking of the World. [TDR-H-187]
Aes Sedai Saerin Asnobar takes a seat in the Hall of the Tower for the Brown Ajah. [TPOD-H-509 / COT-H-50]
A delegation of Atha'an Miere deliver Zemaille to the White Tower for training to become an Aes Sedai. [NSTN-H-56]
961 NE
Circa: Alanna Mosvani is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. [TPOD-H-276]
Aes Sedai Merana Ambrey negotiates a short-lived treaty, the Fifth Treaty of Falme, between Arad Doman and Tarabon over the long-disputed lands of Almoth Plain. [LOC-H-547]
962 NE
Pedron Niall administers the oath of the Children of the Light to Geofram Bornhald. [TGH-TP-60]
Birth date of Iselle Arrel, daughter of Lady Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel. [NSTN-H-286]
963 NE
Ryne Venamar's father moves from Shienar to Arafel. [NSTN-H-213]
Lan receives his first sword, and is recognized as a man in the Borderlands. [NSTN-H-217]
965 NE
Laman Damodred becomes King of Cairhien. [TWORJTWOT-120]
Cairhien and Andor are at war until 968 NE. [TWORJTWOT-120]
Salita Toranes is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the Yellow Ajah. [COT-H-426]
Tarna Feir becomes a novice in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-53]
967 NE
Birth date of Jarene, daughter of Queen Ethenielle and Prince Consort Brys of Kandor.
968 NE
The Travels of Jain Farstrider is printed for the first time. [TDR-H-593]
Hostilities between Cairhien and Andor end. [TWORJTWOT-120]
Lady Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel of Kandor becomes Lan's carneira, his first lover. [NSTN-H-217]
969 NE
Circa: Tiana Noselle is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the Gray Ajah. [COT-H-432]
Lan receives his hadori, marking him as a true Malkieri man capable of choosing his own path in life. [NSTN-H-217]
Early Summer: Birth date of Calle Coplin in Emond's Field. [FTTR-xxii]
Lan begins a personal war against the Blight at the age of sixteen. He later returns to Fal Moran after a trip into the Blight, but finds that Edeyn is gone. [LOC-H-709 / NSTN-H-216]
970 NE
Circa: A close friendship between Aes Sedai Novices Meidani and Elaida a'Roihan ends when Elaida is raised to the Accepted. [COT-H-47]
Circa: Milam Harnder, later Second Librarian of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, becomes an agent of Demira Eriff, an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. [LOC-H-580]
Circa: Elaida a'Roihan, an Accepted in the White Tower, Foretells that the Royal line of Andor will play a significant role in defeating the Dark One in the Last Battle. She tells no one of this Foretelling, and later works to become the advisor of Queen Morgase of Andor. [TSR-H-29]
Tear and Illian go to war in a conflict that lasts six years. Tam al'Thor is among those who fight in the Illian armies. [TWORJTWOT-120 / TGH-TP-105]
Assid Bakuun enters service in the Ever Victorious Army of Seanchan. [TPOD-H-430]
Novice Zemaille is raised to Accepted in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-56]
Aisling Noon, a Tuath'an, arrives at the White Tower to become a novice. [NSTN-H-57]
Death of Rodel Ituralde's mother. [TGS-H-42]
971 NE
Lord Luc of House Mantear, brother of Tigraine Damodred, disappears in the Great Blight. Rumors suggest the involvement of Gitara Moroso, Queen Mordrellen's Aes Sedai advisor, who may have urged Luc to make the journey. [TGH-TP-590 / LOC-H-278]
Birth date of Diryk, son of Prince Consort Brys of Kandor. [NSTN-H-283]
Circa: Death of Lady Miedelle Caeren, the last wife of Lord Nasin Caeren. [COT-H-372]
Elin Warrel, aged eighteen, arrives at Tar Valon to become an novice in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-34]
972 NE
Siuan Sanche, the daughter of a Tairen fisherman, is discovered to have the ability to channel. She is immediately take to Tar Valon by an Aes Sedai in order to become a novice. [NSTN-H-32]
Lady Moiraine Damodred of Cairhien is sent to the White Tower at Tar Valon to become a novice. [LOC-H-710]
Moiraine and Siuan are recorded in the novice book of the White Tower on the same day. [NSTN-H-32]
Tigraine Damodred, Daughter-heir of Andor and wife of Taringail Damodred, disappears. Having been told by Gitara Moroso via a Foretelling that disaster would engulf Andor and its people if she did not join the Maidens of the Spear, Tigraine travels to the Aiel Waste in secret. [TEOTW-H-668 / TSR-H-392 / LOC-H-277]
Queen Mordrellen of Andor dies with no female heir. [TWORJTWOT-120]
The Succession (also the Third War of Andoran Succession) begins in Andor as a result of the disappearance of Tigraine Damodred and the death of Queen Mordrellen. [TEOTW-H-668]
Morgase Trakand, training at Tar Valon as heir to House Trakand, returns to Andor in order to lay claim to the Lion Throne. [TFOH-H-249]
Birth date of Logain Ablar in Ghealdan. [ACOS-H-676]
Tigraine arrives in the Waste and is taken in by the Aiel. She is allowed to train to become a Maiden of the Spear, the first non-Aiel allowed to do so, and chooses the name Shaiel. [TSR-H-392]
Birth date of Elisa al’Vere, daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. [FTTR-xxii]
973 NE
Tamra Ospenya is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue Ajah. Her rule lasts until Taisham 14, 979 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
Prior to 979 NE, the last time that Bukama would see Racelle Arovni. [NSTN-H-212]
Shaiel earns the right to become a Maiden of the Spear and is adopted into the Chumai sept of the Taardad Aiel. [TSR-H-393]
Birth date of Jillie Lewin in The Two Rivers. [FTTR-xxii]
Birth date of Nynaeve al’Meara, daughter of Elnore al’Meara. [LOC-H-602 / FTTR-xxii]
Furyk Karede is chosen for training in the Deathwatch Guard. [COT-H-160]
Elaida a'Roihan is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Red Ajah. [NSTN-H-46]
974 NE
Morgase Trakand becomes the Queen of Andor, in part due to the aid of Thomdril Merrilin, House bard of House Trakand and later Court-bard in Caemlyn. [TWORJTWOT-120 / TFOH-H-252]
Although unable to channel the One Power, Queen Morgase is presented with a Great Serpent ring from Tar Valon. [TFOH-H-249]
Queen Morgase pardons those who had opposed her during the Succession for the Lion Throne. Among these are Jarid Sarand, Arymilla Marne, Masin Caeren, Naean Arawn, Lir Baryn and Karind Anshar. [TFOH-H-248]
Queen Morgase marries Taringail Damodred as a means of preventing further hostilities with Cairhien. [TWORJTWOT-120]
Novice Tarna Feir is raised to Accepted in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-53]
Circa: After more than forty years of studying ter'angreal, Aes Sedai Martine Janata is found unconscious. Three days later she awakes to find that her ability to access the One Power has been burnt out, that her Warder is dead, and that she has no knowledge of the events of the past week. [TPOD-H-75]
975 NE
Novices Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche are raised to Accepted in the White Tower. [LOC-H-710 / NSTN-H-32]
Novice Myrelle Berengari is raised to Accepted in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-50]
Novice Aisling Noon is raised to Accepted in the White Tower. [NSTN-H-57]
Birth date of Loise al’Vere, daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. [FTTR-xix]
Elaida a'Roihan becomes the Aes Sedai advisor to Queen Morgase of Andor. [NSTN-H-86]
Thulin marries Gallanha. [TGS-H-20]
Circa: Innkeeper Setalle Anan (giving birth to her first child?) inadvertently overhears information which reveals the existence of a secret organization in Ebou Dar, known as the Circle, which secretly harbors women who can channel. [ACOS-H-405]
976 NE
Tear and Illian cease fighting. Tam al'Thor continues to serve in the Illian army. [TWORJTWOT-120 / TGH-TP-105]
King Laman of Cairhien cuts down Avendoraldera in order to construct a unique throne. [TFOH-H-686]
Late Spring: The beginning of the Aiel War. In response to the actions of King Laman, four Aiel clans (Nakai, Reyn, Taardad and Shaarad) under the leadership of Janduin cross the Spine of the World and attack Cairhien. [TEOTW-H-660]
Summer (less than three months after the start of the Aiel War): Cadsuane Melaidhrin, already a legend among Aes Sedai, comes out of retirement. [ACOS-H-335 / NSTN-H-228]
The Aiel clans capture Cairhien and burn the city, except its library, a few months into the Aiel War. [TWORJTWOT-121]
Birth date of Jol, later an apprentice to Kin Tovere. [TFOH-H-464]
Circa: Birth date of Amico Nagoyin, later an Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. [TDR-H-235]
Circa: Tarna Feir is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai. She chooses the Red Ajah. [COT-H-521]
977 NE
Conflict with the Aiel spreads out from Cairhien to encompass Tear, Andor and Tar Valon as the Aiel chase King Laman of Cairhien, known to them as "Treekiller." [TWORJTWOT-121]
Believing that the Aiel are Shadowspan, Lan temporarily abandons his personal war against the Blight to fight in the Aiel War. Although he later determines that the Aiel are not agents of the Dark One, Lan continues to fight in order to honor his word. [NSTN-H-16-205]
Birth date of Cail, later an apprentice to Kin Tovere. [TFOH-H-464]
Birth date of Dannil Lewin in The Two Rivers. [FTTR-xxvii]
Birth date of Tod al'Caar in The Two Rivers. [ACOS-H-62]
Winternight: Bari begins employment in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn as a servant. [LOC-H-316]
978 NE
Birth date of Mili Skane in a village near Whitebridge. [ACOS-H-284]
Aine: Shaiel, one of the Aiel hunting King Laman, discovers that she is pregnant. Against Aiel law her husband Janduin allows her to continue to fight. [TSR-H-393]
Adar: Birth date of Lem Thane in Emond's Field. [TEOTW-H-94]
Nesan 16th (twelve days before Danshu): The council of a temporary alliance of nations, known as the Grand Alliance, meets for the first time. [TWORJTWOT-122]
Nesan 21st: Birth date of Sedrin, son of Lady Meri do Ahlan a'Conlin of Murandy, near Tar Valon. [NSTN-H-79]
Nesan 21st: Birth date of Ellya, daughter of Careme Mowly, near Tar Valon. [NSTN-H-80]
Nesan 27th: The Battle of the Shining Walls at Tar Valon begins when the Grand Alliance attacks the Aiel who are laying siege to Tar Valon. [TWORJTWOT-121 / TEOTW-H-660]
Nesan 27th: al'Lan Mandragoran leads a force composed of Kandori, Saldaean and Domani soldiers against the Aiel. [NSTN-H-334]
Nesan 28th (Danshu): The second day of the Battle of the Shining Walls. [TWORJTWOT-122]
Danu 1st (late in the day): King Laman, and Lord Aranvor Naldwinn of Andor, die during the third day of the Battle of the Shining Walls. Laman's death marks the end of the Aiel War and the beginning of the Aiel's retreat back to the Waste. [TWORJTWOT-122]
Danu 1st • Evening: With the Battle of the Shining Walls completed, Lan finds his surviving forces reduced to half-strength. [NSTN-H-334]
Danu 2nd • Before Dawn: As the Aiel march east, Lord Emares contacts Lan and arranges for his forces to help set a trap at a ridgeline known as the Hook. [NSTN-H-17]
Danu 2nd • Dawn: The force of over two-thousand Aiel heading towards Lan abruptly halts. Aware of Lan's presence, the Aiel alter course to move around the ridgeline and avoid combat. [NSTN-H-24]
Danu 2nd • Dawn: As most of the Aes Sedai attend to the survivors of the attack against Tar Valon, Gitara Moroso, the Keeper of the Chronicles to Amyrlin Tamra Ospenya, Foretells the birth of the Dragon Reborn on the slopes of Dragonmount. She dies immediately afterwards in the arms of Moiraine Damodred, one of two Accepted present during the Foretelling. Moiraine and Siuan Sanche are sworn to secrecy by the Amyrlin. [TGH-TP-109 / NSTN-H-36]
Danu 2nd • Dawn: Shaiel gives birth to a son on the slopes of Dragonmount during the Battle of the Shining Walls. The infant, Shaiel having died after giving birth, is found by Tam al'Thor, blademaster and Second Captain of the Illian Companions, who later returns with the child to Emond's Field. Tam and Kari name the infant Rand and raise him as their own son. [TEOTW-H-73 / TGH-TP-105-108 / LOC-H-710]
Danu 2nd • Morning: The Amyrlin Seat announces that Tar Valon is to dispense a bounty of one-hundred gold crowns to all women who have given birth since the first soldiers arrived to defend Tar Valon. The bounty covers those within Tar Valon, as well as those accompanying the forces of the Grand Alliance encamped around the city. All Accepted in the White Tower are tasked with collecting and recording this information. [NSTN-H-58]
Danu 2nd: Birth date of Bili, son of Willa Mandair. [NSTN-H-108]
Danu 2nd: Moiraine and Siuan, accompanied by four Tower Guards, leave Tar Valon and pass through the village of Alindaer. [NSTN-H-71]
Danu 2nd • Late Afternoon: After collecting names at a Murandian camp six miles from the city, Moiraine and Siuan return to Tar Valon. [NSTN-H-91]
Danu 2nd: Moiraine learns of the deaths of three uncles, King Laman and his brothers Moressin and Aldecain. She is excused from further work collecting names. [NSTN-H-94]
Danu 3rd • Morning: Merean Redhill, the Mistress of Novices, informs Moiraine and Siaun that they are to be tasked with recopying the information collected the previous day. [NSTN-H-101]
Danu 3rd: Birth date of Rahien, son of Lady Ines of Kandor, in a farmhouse two miles from Dragonmount. [NSTN-H-316]
Danu 4th: On their second day of recopying information, Moiraine and Siuan begin to secretly make their own copies of the records, limiting themselves to male infants born after Gitara's Foretelling and near Dragonmount. [NSTN-H-109]
Danu 4th: Moiraine becomes aware of the White Tower's intention to place her on the Sun Throne of Cairhien. [NSTN-H-110]
Danu 5th - 6th: Moiraine correctly deduces that the Amyrlin is quietly gathering a small number of experienced Aes Sedai to search for the Dragon Reborn. The five chosen are Kerene Nagashi, Aisha Raveneos, Valera Gorovni, Ludice Daneen and Meilyn Arganya. [TGH-TP-53-110 / LOC-H-710 / NSTN-H-118]
Danu (before thaw): Aeldra Najaf is raised to Keeper of the Chronicles. [NSTN-H-119]
Danu • Evening (before thaw): In preparation for Moiraine and Siuan taking the test to become Aes Sedai, Elaida helps them to practice concentrating while weaving flows of the Power. Her methods result in various injuries to the two Accepted, which she Heals the next morning. [NSTN-H-126]
Danu (before thaw): The morning after Elaida's third session with Moiraine and Siuan, Merean informs them that Elaida had possibly helped them to cheat on their test, and that she had been chastised for such help. [NSTN-H-130]
Danu 12th: An unexpected thaw melts all of the snow on Dragonmount. [NSTN-H-131-316]
NOTE: Although Jordan's wording on page 131 is a bit awkward, this date can be established by a reference on page 316 to a range of ten days that starts on the day of Gitara's Foretelling up to the day before the thaw.
(Within weeks of Rand's birth): Birth date of Perrin Aybara, son of Con and Joslyn Aybara, at his family's farm near the Waterwood outside of Emond's Field. [TEOTW-H-94 / TSR-H-328]
(Within weeks of Rand's birth): Birth date of Matrim Cauthon, son of Abell and Natti Cauthon, in Emond's Field. [TEOTW-H-94]
Danu 14th: A man named Ries Gorthanes, posing as a Tower Guard, arrives at a Tar Valon bank and passes a forged letter from the Amyrlin Seat requesting the financial records of Moiraine Damodred. Although Gorthanes is apprehended, he escapes before the Tower Guards arrive. [NSTN-H-180]
Danu 21st • Before Dawn: Moiraine is told that she is to be tested for the shawl. [NSTN-H-132]
NOTE: Since sunrise marks the start of a new day, Moiraine would have been told of her upcoming test late on Danu 21st, but the test would have taken place early on Danu 22nd.
Danu 22nd • Morning: Entering a ter'angreal located in a basement of the White Tower, Moiraine is required to complete one-hundred weaves under a variety of mentally and physically challenging circumstances. [NSTN-H-140]
Danu 22nd: Siuan is told that she is to be tested for the shawl, and undergoes a similar test as Moiraine's. [NSTN-H-150]
Danu 22nd (six days before the Feast of Lights): The Aiel enter Kinslayer's Dagger and the pursuing Grand Alliance forces halt their attacks. [TWORJTWOT-124]
Danu 22nd • Evening: Although instructed to spend their last evening as Accepted in prayer and contemplation, Moiraine and Siuan instead plot to place mice in Elaida's bed. The two are discovered and are disciplined by Merean. [NSTN-H-152-230]
Danu 22nd • Just Before Dawn: Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche are raised to the shawl of an Aes Sedai. Afer swearing the Three Oaths on the Oath Road, they both choose the Blue Ajah. [TGH-TP-109 / LOC-H-710 / NSTN-H-155]
NOTE: It can be assumed that the oath swearing ceremony and Ajah selection are timed to occur at the very end of an Accepted's last day (as in the chapter title, Just Before Dawn), so that they start the following day as an Aes Sedai.
Danu 23rd: Siuan is assigned to work for Cetalia Delarme, head of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears network. [NSTN-H-171]
Danu 23rd: The Amyrlin gives Moiraine the task of distributing the bounty to those woman who bore children during the specified period. [NSTN-H-172]
Danu 23rd • Late Afternoon: Forces led by Lan stop near Kinslayer's Dagger, having pursued the retreating Aiel for more than two weeks. At Bukama's urging, Lan agrees not to return to the Borderlands immediately, and the two head southward together. [NSTN-H-174]
NOTE: The date that the Aiel retreat into Kinslayer's Dagger is firmly fixed on Danu 22nd, yet the passage where Lan's forces approach the mountain range appears to take place on Danu 23rd. It's not clear if the Aiel have entered the mountain range that day, or the day before, although the text does hint that these events take place on the same day that the Aiel enter the mountains. Due to the ambiguity in some of the earlier text relating to Moiraine and Siuan, it is possible that the events listed here are off by one day, and that Lan's forces do arrive at Kinslayer's Dagger on Danu 22nd. This would also change Moiraine and Siuan's first day as Aes Sedai to Danu 22nd, as well as a few other dates. It's also possible that Danu 23rd is the accurate date, and that Lan arrived the day after the Aiel entered the mountains.
Danu 23rd • Mid-Afternoon: While depositing her first stipend from the White Tower at a Tar Valon bank, Moiraine learns of Gorthanes' attempt to gain access to her financial records, and that her bankers' message to her was never delivered. [NSTN-H-180]
Janduin, grief-stricken over allowing Shaiel to fight while pregnant, and having lost both her and his infant son, abandons his place as clan chief of the Taardad. He goes north to fight Shadowspan in the blight, and is eventually killed by a man reported to resemble Shaiel. [TSR-H-393]
Brandelwyn al'Vere becomes the mayor of Emond's Field and the innkeeper of the Winespring Inn. [TEOTW-H-9]
979 NE
Taisham 2nd: Ellid Abareim dies while being tested for the shawl. [NSTN-H-191]
(Between Taisham 2nd and 11th): Over a period of time Kerene Nagashi, Aisha Raveneos, Valera Gorovni, Ludice Daneen and Meilyn Arganya all leave Tar Valon to begin their search for the Dragon Reborn. [NSTN-H-193]
Taisham 12th • High Chasaline/Day of Reflection: Sheriam Bayanar is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Blue Ajah. [NSTN-H-193]
Taisham 14th • Night: Tamra Ospenya, the Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai, is tortured and killed by the Black Ajah, which had learned of the existence of the Dragon Reborn. Knowing only that the Dragon had been reborn, the Black Ajah, led by Jarna Malari, sets out to kill those Aes Sedai searching for him, and to kill any man who has the ability to channel. [NSTN-H-194 / ACOS-H-42 / WH-H-242]
Taisham 15th • Morning: The announcement of Tamra's death is made. The official explanation is that the Amyrlin died in her sleep. [NSTN-H-194]
Taisham 16th? • Morning: Funeral of Tamra Ospenya. [NSTN-H-195]
NOTE: Tamra is presumably buried on the morning after the announcement of her death, although none of the text directly states this. It is difficult to imagine that all of the Aes Sedai in the tower could prepare for her funeral on the same morning as her death was announced.
Taisham 17th? • Evening: Sierin Vayu of the Gray Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat. Her rule lasts until 984 NE. Against Aes Sedai customs, Sierin does not grant relief from penances, but instead orders two sisters birched and three others exiled from Tar Valon for a year. [TWORJTWOT-216 / NSTN-H-196 / TFOH-H-214]
NOTE: Gitara was buried a day after the announcement of her death, and if this is custom for all Aes Sedai (and not just the Keeper), then Tamra would have been buried on Taisham 16th, and Sierin raised to the Amyrlin on the 17th.
(Taisham?): Moiraine approaches the new Amyrlin and requests to be removed from overseeing the payment of the bounty. The request is granted, but Moiraine is told not to leave the Tower. [NSTN-H-198]
Unwilling to assume rulership of Cairhien as an Aes Sedai pawn, and intent on searching for the Dragon Reborn herself, Moiraine leaves Tar Valon on the rivership Bluewing. Her departure is witnessed by Gorthanes. [NSTN-H-201]
Winter: Lady Edeyn Arrel, having heard false reports of the death of al'Lan Mandragoran, raises the Golden Crane, the symbol of Malkier. She travels across the Borderlands and later returns to Chachin in Kandor. [NSTN-H-214]
Josef Najima, along with his three sons, including Jerid, are killed in a fire in the Najima's stable. [NSTN-H-222]
Spring (Jumara or Saban?): The beginning of the Fourth War of Cairhien Succession. Four noble houses contest for the Sun Throne, and House Riatin eventually takes control from House Damodred. [TWORJTWOT-124 / NSTN-H-223]
(Saban?): Siuan Sanche learns of the deaths of Aisha, Valera and Ludice, three of the five Aes Sedai searching for the Dragon Reborn. Aisha and her Warder are reported to have been killed by bandits in Murandy. [NSTN-H-238]
(Saban?): Siuan learns of the death of Kerene, who had reportedly drowned in the Alguenya. Meilyn arrives at the White Tower later in the day, but Siuan is unable to speak to her. [NSTN-H-238]
(Saban? • The day after Meilyn returns) Morning: Chesmal Emery announces the death of Meilyn in her sleep the previous night. Siuan, aware that Meilyn had never slept in her room, later leaves Tar Valon to seek out Moiraine. [NSTN-H-238]
Spring (before Bel Tine in Kandor): Lan Mandragoran and Bukama Marenellin arrive in Canluum, Kandor. They take rooms at The Blue Rose, and Bukama is reunited with Racelle Arovni, the innkeeper. [NSTN-H-203]
Lan is found in The Blue Rose by Ryne Venamar, a friend and survivor from Malkier. Ryne tells Lan of Lady Edeyn Arrel's raising of the flag of Malkier. [NSTN-H-214]
Lan and Bukama are attacked by six men outside The Blue Rose. Lan defeats all six by himself. Ryne notes that some of the men were loyal to Edeyn. Lan decides to journey to Chachin to confront Edeyn. [NSTN-H-219]
(Aine?): Posing as a Cairhienin noblewoman named Alys, Moiraine visits Jurine Najima in Canluum as part of her search for infants who might be the Dragon Reborn. Moiraine finds that Jurine's recently deceased infant son, Jerid, was born at the wrong location during the Battle of the Shining Walls. [NSTN-H-222]
Moiraine returns to The Gates of Heaven in Canluum. Although five Aes Sedai are staying at the inn, she is unfamiliar with them and all believe her to be a wilder. [NSTN-H-225]
Moiraine encounters three more Aes Sedai at the inn: Cadsuane Melaidhrin, Merean Redhill and Larelle Tarsi. Cadsuane is curious to know why Moiraine is in Kandor, and Moiraine implies that she is seeking her first Warder. After Moiraine makes known her intent to travel to Chachin as soon as possible, Cadsuane arranges for Merean and Larelle to accompany her. [NSTN-H-225]
Siuan Sanche arrives in Canluum. She tells Moiraine of the deaths of the five Aes Sedai known to be searching for the Dragon Reborn, and of her suspicion regarding the death of Tamra Ospenya. Both assume the the Amyrlin and the five Aes Sedai were murdered by the Black Ajah. [NSTN-H-236]
Moiraine sends Siuan ahead to Chachin to start searching for Lady Ines. [NSTN-H-241]
Moirane sees an Arafellin man talking with an Aes Sedai at the Gates of Heaven. Unable to identify the sister, and on edge concerning the Black Ajah, Moiraine becomes curious. [NSTN-H-242]
Circa: The husband of Lady Ines Demain, a personal friend of Prince Brys, dies unexpectedly. [NSTN-H-304]
Morning: Intent on finding Avene Sahera, Moiraine leaves Canluum without Cadsuane's escort. She sees three men ahead, including the one she had seen earlier with an Aes Sedai, but keeps her distance until they separate. [NSTN-H-246]
Twilight: Moiraine follows one of the three men into the forest in order to question him about the Aes Sedai in Canluum. Hoping to catch him by surprise she attempts to take his sword. The man, Lan, responds by throwing her into a nearby pond. Bukama and Ryne return later, and Moiraine asks the three to escort her to Chachin. [TGH-TP-270 / LOC-H-709 / NSTN-H-248]
Night: Using the Power, Moiraine dumps a large portion of the pond on Lan as he stands watch over the camp. Although forced to reveal that she is Aes Sedai, Moiraine maintains her guise as Lady Alys. [NSTN-H-253]
Morning (One day out of Canluum): Lan's party arrives at Manala, a small village that is celebrating Bel Tine. They stop briefly before continuing to Chachin. [NSTN-H-257]
Noon (Four days out of Canluum): A group of bandits waylays Lan's party. After a display of the Power by Moiraine and a threat from Lan, the bandits flee. [NSTN-H-265]
Night (Five days out of Canluum): For the fifth night in a row, Moiraine uses the Power to irriate Lan, whom she believes owes her an apology and has not shown the proper respect to an Aes Sedai. [NSTN-H-267]
(Two days from Cachin): Arriving at the village of Ravinda, Moiraine finds Avene Sahera and learns that her son Migel was born at the wrong place and the wrong time to be the Dragon Reborn. [NSTN-H-269]
(Two days from Cachin): Some time after leaving Ravinda, Lan is hit by an archer. The attacker, mortally wounded by Ryne and Bukama, is Caniedrin, a soldier who had served with Lan during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Caniedrin's dying words imply the involvement of Gorthanes. [NSTN-H-270]
Lan's party arrives at Chachin. Lan and the others part ways with Moiraine, and Lan makes his way to the Aesdaishar Palace to find Edeyn. [NSTN-H-275]
Lan is reunited with Lady Edeyn, who pledges fealty to him in front of a large gathering that is honoring Malkier. Lan reminds Edeyn that he is not the King of Malkier. [NSTN-H-284]
Returning to his rooms in the palace, Lan encounters Edeyn and learns that she intends to see him married to her daughter, Iselle. [NSTN-H-286]
Twilight: Siuan finds Moiraine in Chachin, and takes her back to The Evening Star. Moiraine learns that Ines Demain, whose son Rahien was born near Dragonmount, is in mourning in the Aesdaishar Palace following the recent death of her husband. Moiraine develops a risky plan to gain access to Lady Ines. [NSTN-H-294]
Midmorning (Two days after arriving in Chachin): Moiraine, using her real name and noble status, but not revealing that she is Aes Sedai, arrives at the Aesdaishar Palace. Siuan acts as Moiraine's maid, Suki, and learns that Ines is in seclusion while mourning. [NSTN-H-303]
During an audience with Prince Consort Brys, Moiraine learns that Lan is the uncrowned King of Malkier. [NSTN-H-308]
Returning to her rooms, Moiraine encounters Merean, who indicates that Larelle had changed her mind about travelling to Chachin. Moiraine becomes suspicious about Larelle's fate. [NSTN-H-309]
Moiraine meets with Lan and asks for Merean's activities to be watched. After Moiraine reveals why the Aes Sedai failed to render aid to Malkier when it was attacked, Lan agrees to have Bukama watch Merean. [NSTN-H-311]
Night: Siuan returns with news that Lady Ines' child had been born one day after the Aiel retreat from Tar Valon, and that Bukama had witnessed Merean in the company of Prince Brys all day. [NSTN-H-316]
Lan, pushed by someone wielding the Power, is almost killed in a fall down a flight of stairs, after which he is told of a serious injury to Bukama. Lan arrives to find Bukama dead from a dagger in his back. [NSTN-H-320]
Lan confronts Moiraine about Bukama's death, and Moiraine, suspecting that Merean is Black Ajah and that Prince Brys is in danger, has Lan take her to Brys. [NSTN-H-322]
Lan and Moiraine find Merean holding Brys and Diryk with the One Power on a walk on the outside of the palace. Also present is Iselle, also held by Merean, and Ryne, revealed to be a Darkfriend. Merean reveals Ryne's involvement in Bukama's death. Ryne attacks Lan, and Merean and Moiraine engage in a fight with the One Power. [NSTN-H-323]
Shielded by Merean, Moiraine watches as Merean drops Diryk and then Brys off the walk to the rooftops below. Unable to channel, Moiraine stabs Merean as she attempts to move Iselle off the walk. Moiraine fails to catch Iselle in time and Iselle falls to he death. Lan barely defeats Ryne in combat. Moiraine disposes of Merean and Ryne's bodies, and Lan agrees to keep recent events a secret. [NSTN-H-325]
Dawn: Aesdaishar Palace mourns the sudden and unexplained deaths of Brys, Diryk and Iselle. [NSTN-H-329]
Lady Edeyn, mourning the loss of her daughter, abandons her efforts to revive the nation of Malkier. [NSTN-H-329]
Siuan reveals that Rahien was born in the wrong location to be the Dragon Reborn. Informed of Moiraine's fight with Merean, Siuan deduces that the Black Ajah, unaware of exactly when the Dragon was reborn, is attempting to kill any many who might be able to channel, including those that exhibit unusually good luck. Moiraine instructs Siuan to return to the White Tower and resume her work with Cetalia. [NSTN-H-330]
Moiraine leaves Chachin and tracks down Lan outside the city. She asks him to bond to her as her Warder, and then explains her quest to find the Dragon Reborn. Lan agrees and accepts the bond. The two return to Chachin, and then travel on to Arafel. [NSTN-H-332]
(End of New Spring: The Novel)
Circa: Cairhien farmers, wary from the Aiel War, abandon their farms in the east, most of them settling in Cairhien's Foregate. King Galldrian is forced to pay for shipments of grain from Andor and Tear to make up for the loss of production. [TGH-TP-310 / TSR-H-116]
Choren: Birth date of Ban Crawe in Emond's Field. [TEOTW-H-94]
Birth date of Kenley Ahan in Emond's Field. [FTTR-xii]
980 NE
(Sometime after Taisham 19th): Birth date of Aviendha. [TPOD-H-50 / COT-H-271]
Circa: A sick man near death arrives in Stedding Shangtai. He recovers quickly upon entering the stedding, and before he leaves tells the Ogier that the Dark One intends to blind the Eye of the World and slay the Great Serpent. [TEOTW-H-537]
Circa: The husband of Ailhuin Guenna, a Tear wise woman, is killed in a storm in the Fingers of the Dragon. [TDR-H-478]
Circa: Following the death of Queen Ethenielle's husband, Lord Baldhere assumes the position of Swordbearer and is placed in command of the armies of Kandor. [TPOD-H-17]
Janny begins service to House Sarand as the maid to Lady Elenia Sarand. [COT-H-369]
Three Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, Toveine Gazal, Lirene and Tsutama, are punished for an unknown crime. After being birched in view of Accepted, novices and Sisters, the three voluntarily resign from the White Tower and enter solitary retreats. Toveine, a former Sitter in the Hall, is sent to the farm of Jara Doweel in the Black Hills. [ACOS-H-21 / TPOD-H-513]
Summer: Birth date of "Tuon" Athaem Kore Paendrag, daughter of the Seanchan Empress. Furyk Karede is appointed to Tuon's personal bodyguard. An attempt on Tuon's life is made the same day, and Furyk is one of only three people to survive the attack. [COT-H-140-156-160]
NOTE: Tuon's birth-name is not known.
Furyk Karede is chosen for officer training in the Deathwatch Guard. [COT-H-160]
981 NE
Circa (Spring?): Birth date of Egwene al'Vere, daughter of Brandelwyn and Marin al'Vere, in Emond's Field. [TWOTW-H-35 / TGH-TP-31 / ACOS-H-157]
Circa: Ajimbura, a member of the Kaensada hill tribe, becomes the servant of Furyk Karede, an officer in the Deathwatch Guard. [COT-H-154]
Galina Casban is appointed as the head of the Red Ajah, but does not serve as a Sitter in the Hall of the Tower. [LOC-H-45 / ACOS-H-623]
Birth date of Lemore to a wealthy family in Tanchico. [WH-H-206]
Birth date of Talaan din Gelyn. [WH-H-268]
(Sometime after Taisham 18th): Birth date of Elayne Trakand. [LOC-H-602 / ACOS-H-476]
Jain Farstrider disappears after returning from a trip to the Great Blight. [TEOTW-H-663]
NOTE: The date for the disappearance of Jain Farstrider was originally given as 994 NE in the first printing of The Eye of the World. This date was later changed to 981 NE in later printings.
982 NE
Birth date of Bodewhin Cauthon, daughter of Abell and Natti Cauthon, in Emond's Field. [TSR-H-165]
Katerine Alruddin is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Red Ajah. [LOC-H-45]
Aes Sedai Jarna Malari, head of the Black Ajah, is killed by Ishamael, who had been angered to learn of the Black Ajah's hunt for the Dragon Reborn. Jarna's death was the result of her use of an unidentified ter'angreal which slowly killed her over a ten-day period. [ACOS-H-42]
Alviarin Freidhen, a member of the Black Ajah's Great Council, is appointed the head of the Black Ajah following Jarna's death. Alviarin and the other Black Ajah are painfully questioned for the next two years concerning their involvement in the death of Tamra Ospenya. [ACOS-H-42]
983 NE
Some Darkfriends claim to have received orders from Ishamael during this time. [TWORJTWOT-52]
Kari al'Thor dies. [TEOTW-H-68 / LOC-H-93]
Birth date of Eldrin Cauthon, daughter of Abell and Natti Cauthon, in Emond's Field. [TSR-H-165]
Birth date of Adora Aybara, daughter of Con and Joslyn Aybara. [TSR-H-327]
Birth date of Jalani, an Aiel. [LOC-H-66]
984 NE
Taringail Damodred is assassinated. [TWORJTWOT-124]
Amyrlin Seat Sierin Vayu dies. Working to prevent her own arrest, Chesmal Emery, a member of the Black Ajah, had arranged for Sierin's murder at the hands of the Red Ajah. [TWORJTWOT-216 / ACOS-H-42 / WH-H-242]
Marith Jaen of the Blue Ajah is raised to the Amyrlin Seat after the death of Sierin Vayu. Her rule lasts until 988 NE. [TWORJTWOT-216]
Birth date of Ewin Finngar in Emond's Field. [TEOTW-H-19]
Thom Merrilin, Court-Bard in the Royal Palace of Caemlyn, becomes romantically involved with the recently widowed Queen Morgase. He abruptly leaves the Palace to tend to a matter involving his nephew, Owyn, who has been discovered to have the ability to channel. Morgase sends Captain-General Gareth Bryne of the Queen's Guards to retrieve Thom by any means necessary. [TEOTW-H-454 / TGH-TP-327 / TDR-H-465]
Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah gentle Owyn and then return to Tar Valon. Thom arrives too late to stop the Aes Sedai. Owyn is driven from his home and later dies, having lost his will to live. Within a month, and despite Thom's efforts, Owyn's widow also dies. [TSR-H-195]
Thom returns to Caemlyn following Owyn's death. After harsh words with Morgase he flees the city and barely avoids arrest. [TEOTW-H-454 / TGH-TP-327 / TDR-H-465]
Anjen, the Warder of Leanee Sharif, dies. Unable to deal with the pain of another broken bond, Leane does not bond another Warder. [LOC-H-427]
Birth date of Eben Hopwil. [TPOD-H-286]
985 NE
Circa: Aes Sedai Teslyn becomes a Sitter for the Red Ajah. [ACOS-H-18]
Circa: Aes Sedai Pevara becomes a Sitter for the Red Ajah. [ACOS-H-517]
986 NE
Circa: Aes Sedai Seaine Herimon becomes a Sitter for the White Ajah. [ACOS-H-517]
Furyk Karede is reassigned to the bodyguard of Lady Tuon. [COT-H-160]
Summer: Tuon, the daughter of the Seanchan Empress Radhanan, receives her true-name. [COT-H-140]
Birth date of Theril, son of Alvon. [KOD-H-175]
Birth date of Aurana, daughter of Seanchan Empress Radhanan. [KOD-H-285]
987 NE
Nieda Sidora, innkeeper of Easing the Badger in Illian, begins to work as eyes and ears for Moiraine, who goes by the name Mistress Mari. [TDR-H-430]
Birth date of Deselle Aybara, daughter of Con and Joslyn Aybara. [TSR-H-327]
Katerine Alruddin, an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, swears oaths to the Dark One and is made a member of the secret Black Ajah. [LOC-H-45]
Following the death of her apprentice from an uncurable illness, Doral Barran, Wisdom of Emond's Field, takes the recently orphaned Nynaeve al'Meara as her new apprentice. [FTTR-xx]
Furyk Karede is seriosuly wounded while defending High Lady Tuon from an assassin. Tuon rewards Karede by giving him Emela, a favorite doll of hers. [COT-H-160]
988 NE
Spring (Bel Tine): Emond's Field celebrates Bel Tine with a rare fireworks display. [TOETW-H-9]
Cenn Buie catches a young Rand al'Thor and Mat Cauthon in his apple trees. [TEOTW-H-36]
Siuan Sanche is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue Ajah at the age of thirty. [TWORJTWOT-216 / TGH-TP-46 / LOC-H-471 / ACOS-H-161 / COT-H444]
Mat Cauthon is punished after trying to cut open a firework to see what is inside. [TDR-H-397]
Perrin Aybara, prodded by Mat Cauthon, is caught trying to steal a gooseberry pie from Neysa Ayellin. [TSR-H-483]
Presumed death of Yukiri's Warder. [COT-H-41]
989 NE
Pedron Niall is appointed the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of Light. [TDR-H-xiv]
Death of (King?) Easar's wife. [TPOD-H-20]
The Women's Circle in Emond's Field gives permission for Nynaeve al'Meara to braid her haira sign that Nynaeve has become an adult. [FTTR-xxi]
Fall: Berowyn (al'Vere) loses her husband to breakbone fever. [FTTR-xiv]
990 NE
Birth date of Paetram Aybara. [TSR-H-327]
The husband of Queen Tylin Quintara dies. [ACOS-H-473]
Harine din Togara Two Winds becomes Wavemistress of Clan Shoedin. [WH-H-301]
Late Spring: Egwene al'Vere of Emond's Field carries water to Widow Aynal's Meadow for the village's annual sheep shearing. She notices numerous ravens that appear to be watching the activities, especially those of the men and boys. [FTTR-xi]
Late Spring: Curious to learn more about the boy everyone believes she will eventually marry, Egwene eavesdrops on Rand al'Thor and his friends. [FTTR-xxiv]
991 NE
Mid/Late Danu: Rand al'Thor and Mat Cauthon manage to steal a jar of apple brandy. They are later punished by Nynaeve al'Meara. [TSR-H-102]
Circa: Ferane Neheran of the White Ajah steps down as a Sitter in the Hall of the Tower. [COT-H-51]
993 NE
Logain Ablar channels for the first time. [LOC-H-647]
Told that she is unable to learn to channel, Mili Skane is turned away from the White Tower. [ACOS-H-284]
Mili Skane joins a circle of Darkfriends in Caemlyn. She quickly makes her first kill and starts a successful career as an assassin and hunter. She is later known as Lady Shiaine Avarhin, and kills nineteen more by 1000 NE. [ACOS-H-284]
994 NE
Sunday: Hurin, a resident of Fal Dara, begins to exhibit the traits of a sniffer, a person with the ability to smell violence and track those who have committed violence. A year later he is employed by Lord Ingtar. [TGH-TP-129]
Nynaeve al'Meara becomes the Wisdom of Emond's Field. [TDR-H-263]
High Lady Alteima of Tear meets Queen Morgase during a state visit. [TFOH-H-50]
Circa: Loial leaves Stedding Shangtai to venture into human lands. [TEOTW-H-533 / LOC-H-319 / COT-H-552]
995 NE
Summer: Padan Fain, a peddler and Darkfriend, is approached by a Myrddraal in Murandy. He is taken north to Shayol Ghul and brought before a man naming himself Ba'alzamon (Ishamael). Fain is given the task of seeking out a young man (Rand al'Thor), and is altered and changed so that he can carry out this hunt. Although the Dark One is unaware of the identity of the man he seeks, or of his exact location, he knows that Fain conducts business in the region where the young man will be found. [TEOTW-H-599]
Gorin Rogad, a false Dragon, is burned alive in Illian. [LOC-H-79]
996 NE
Spring: A group of Tinkers crossing the Aiel Waste find a group of young Aiel women, all dead except for one. The woman, whose group had been killed by Trollocs, warns the Tinkers that the Dark One is coming, and that he plans to blind the Eye of the World and kill the Great Serpent. The dying woman also makes mention of He Who Comes with the Dawnthe Dragon Reborn. [TEOTW-H-315]
Spring: Padan Fain arrives in Emond's Field at a later date than usual. Unlike most of his visits, he stays for a week in the Winespring Inn. [TEOTW-H-599]
Summer: Padan Fain is taken back to Shayol Ghul. His thoughts and experiences are studied, and he is further changed to enable him to narrow his search for the Dark One's target. [TEOTW-H-599]
Summer: Tuon celebrates her sixteenth birthday and has her head shaved in Seanchan tradition for the first time, this marking her as an adult. Selucia, her nursemaid since birth, rejects a position of power to serve as Tuon's chief maid. [WH-H-322 / COT-H-140]
Callie is put out of the White Tower. [ACOS-H-318]
Andor has border disputes with Murandy. [TFOH-H-180]
Captain-General Gareth Bryne of the Queen's Guards of Caemlyn meets Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat, during her progression through Cairhien, Tear, Illian and Andor. The Amyrlin, attempting to safeguard Lord Dulain, orders Bryne to remove all Andoran troops from the Murandian border in order to assure the survival of Dulain, believed to be capable of uniting Murandy. [TFOH-H-49-180-339]
A month after the Amyrlin's visit to Caemlyn an Andoran farmer kills Lord Dulain during a sheep raid. [TFOH-H-339]
997 NE
Spring: Elyas Machera encounters a group of Tinkers led by Mahdi Raen. [TEOTW-H-314]
Spring: Padan Fain arrives in Emond's Field and is able to determine that his target is one of three boysRand al'Thor, Perrin Aybara, or Mat Cauthon. [TEOTW-H-599]
Fain returns to Lugard, and encounters Ba'alzamon in a dream. He further strengthens his ties to the Dark One, and is promised power and glory should he succeed in his hunt. He is told to mark the three men in Emond's Field upon his return the next spring, and that Trollocs and Myrddraal would be waiting for him in the Two Rivers. [TEOTW-H-599]
Autumn: Logain Ablar declares himself the Dragon Reborn in Ghealdan. He is the third in approximately five years to declare himself. [TEOTW-H-30 / TGH-H-585 / LOC-H-168]
Winter: Captain Bayle Domon is forced to winter in Saldea when the River Arinelle freezes early. He witnesses evidence of numerous Trolloc attacks north of Maradon and against the city itself. [TEOTW-H-263]
Circa: Beldeine Nyram is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Green Ajah. [TPOD-H-31]
Circa: Sareitha Tomanes is raised to the shawl of the Aes Sedai and chooses the Brown Ajah. [WH-H-174]
The Great Fire of Sohima. Furyk Karede, a Deathwatch Guard, loses his wife Kalia and one of their sons in the fire. During this incident a doll, given to Karede by High Lady Tuon, is destroyed. [COT-H-160 / KOD-H-734]
998 NE
Circa: Neferi, High Lady Tuon's Soe'feia, dies unexpectedly in an accident. She is replaced by Anath, who is chosen by the Empress herself. [WH-H-323]
Winter: The Two Rivers, as well as most of the land, suffers from an unusual and brutal winter. [TEOTW-C1]
Winter: Trollocs attack the nations of Kandor, Arafel and Saldea continuously through the winter in raids whose scope have not been seen since the Trolloc Wars. [TEOTW-H-586]
Late Winter: Trollocs and Myrddraal travel through the Ways to the Two Rivers, exiting from the Waygate in the ruins of Manetheren. [TEOTW-H-599]
Late Winter: Moiraine and Lan (having posed as Alys and Andra) leave Baerlon for the Two Rivers. Later that day the Children of the Light arrive in Baerlon in response to the troubles in Ghealdan caused by Logain. [TWOTW-H-157]
Spring (3 days before Winternight): Mat Cauthon sees a stranger in Emond's Fielda mysterious man on horseback (a Myrddraal). [TEOTW-H-12]
Spring (1 day before Winternight): Aes Sedai Moiraine Damodred and her warder Lan arrive in Emond's Field in the evening. [TEOTW-H-19]
Spring (1 day before Winternight): Perrin Aybara sees a stranger (a Myrddraal) on horseback in Emond's Field at twilight. [TEOTW-H-37]
Spring (1 day before Winternight): A gleeman, Thom Merrilin, arrives in Emond's Field in the middle of the night. [TEOTW-H-13]

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